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Piper's POV

Although talking with Finn did make me feel better, I'm still not doing this. Not just because of my anxiety, but because of so much more. The team isn't being logical here. Obviously, the producers are going to rip us apart. And I don't want to be a part of that.

"Okay guys, I'm going home now so have fun!"

"I'll come with you!" Finn offered.

"No! I mean, Finn, you are not sacrificing your dream to protect me!"

"Are you sure, Pipes?"

"I've never been so sure of anything in my life." I quickly hugged him before saying, "Enjoy yourself!"

Amy's POV

I'm happy for Finn and Piper. Getting over Finn wasn't exactly easy but I realised that he was practically invented for my best friend.

Piper's POV

I walked into Studio A to grab some of my stuff but an old man dressed in black approached me.

"Where do you think you're going, little girl?"

"Oh, I'm just going home. I don't exactly want to be on the documentary."

"Is that so? Well, if you decide not to be in the documentary, then I have no choice but to kick you off the team."

"What! You can't do that! A-troupe is my family!"

It sounded like Finn overheard my conversation because he said, defensively:

"If Piper's not on the team, then neither am I!" 

People were confused at Finn's outburst but they knew that it had something to do with me leaving.

"You know what, neither am I."

"Or me."

"Me neither."

"Count me out!"

It was really sweet of the team to stand up for me like that. A-troupe really is a family.

"I'm sorry, but it looks like you're outnumbered here. We're a team- and don't you ever forget it." He looked frightened, almost. It was kinda funny.

"Ok, ok, you can stay on the team- but you will have to miss some rehearsals, and sometimes, you may have to be cast as an extra."

"Fine," I said reluctantly, "See you later, alligators." I said as I slowly walked out of the room backwards.

Richelle's POV

Recently, I've been spending a lot more time with Piper, and you can tell just by looking at her. Her attitude has changed so much in the past few weeks. She's gone from this super shy girl, to such a confident woman. I'm really proud of her.


Summer's POV

Electricity has been really good lately! Lucien's working us really hard but he's actually being nice about it. I really don't want to mess with The Next Step, and neither does the rest of our team, but the producers of the documentary have forced us to. They say it will 'raise the ratings'. Little do they know that we are going to rebel.

Sorry this is so rubbish, lol.

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