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Hann: You and Hann don't mind showing PDA but your relationship is mostly private. You like when the two of you to snuggle or hug each in public and it is usually the only way the two of you show PDA apart from hand holding or his hand around your waist. All of your friends think you are so adorable because both of you end up with massive smiles on your face when you are hugging or holding hands. You both like when you hold hands as it just makes you two that bit closer in public and it is a small but sentimental action. Hann doesn't kiss you much when you are out but when he does it is really special or he is trying to let someone know you to are together which makes you laugh kiss you a lot when you are out to make sure people know you two are a thing.

George: You both tend to keep your relationship quite private. When you two are out you only share a small bit of P.D.A with each other. You and George like to hold hands because, even though it is a small bit of affection, it means a lot the two of you as you know how deeply in love you are with each other. He likes wrapping his arm around you waist firmly, so you can snuggle into his side when you are walking or sitting down, he loves doing this because he knows you love it. You like holding George's hand or arm as it makes you feel safe and protected, and he also finds it sweet and makes him happy that you believe he will protect you and that you feel comforted and secure in his arms. Usually in more of a quiet public place or when you're with close friends you will share a few small kisses ,even though these kisses are small and are usually quite short, they are filled with passion and love, sometimes if he is very high you have to stop him from taking it further or turing into a full making out session.

Matty: Matty is a very sexual person and enjoys smothering you in affection. He is always trying to make out with you and sometimes you go alone but usually you have to make him stop, but you always laugh at his forwardness as he isn't afraid to show affection or kiss you in public. He will usually give you short sweet kisses and they are really sweet and usually before important shows or when you both are out and either of you just needs a bit of love or affection. When Matty wants some attention or wants something and will usually hug you and snuggle into you neck kissing behind your ear and rubbing his hand up and down her waist which makes you giggle because it's a very needy action. You always love when he shows some PDA or affection because he just a sweetheart and ain't afriad to show you off or show his love for you.

Ross: Ross and you don't mind PDA in public but sometimes his affection makes you laugh. When he does show affection it is usually by hugging you or sharing kisses with you, but he always makes you smile or laugh when he does and he smothers you in them. He likes placing his hand on your waist or holding you waist to keep you close to him and it makes you laugh when you try and move away and he pulls you closer and gold in tighter. You like to hold onto his hand during certain times to silently let him know that you love him and that everything will be alright, he especially appreciated it when he is about to go on stage. When he grabs you bum sometimes it makes you laugh as he usually isn't one to be forward with his actions but it's lets you know what he needs or if he is jealous

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