Kyoya's Ending

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3rd pov:

It has been a little over a week, and (Y/N) had finally gone back home to live with his family once again after a year that he can't remember, I wasn't as bad as (Y/N) had thought it would be, nothing had really changed back in the apartment and his room was like it was when he left, organized and relaxing.

Haruhi and the host club had come by every day to talk and make the wait of returning home more bearable, in that time (Y/N) had talked a lot together with Kyoya and had grown a huge little crush on him. Tamaki had (Y/N) enrolled into Ouran Academy after hearing how (Y/N) didn't want to leave his sister, besides he was really hoping to get him to join the host club.

"Are you sure this is a good idea? I mean I haven't been in school for over a year" (Y/N) said very nervous, while fixing his tie for the eighteens time that morning.

"Don't worry, you will be fine," Haruhi said as she took his hand and walked outside "besides you were the smartest person on the whole school, there's no doubt you will do great"

Time Skip

(Y/N)'s Pov

I was sitting together with Kyoya in one of the couches after club activities had ended, everyone else had left by now while we stayed behind to look through the receipts for the week, so we could calculate the budget for the week that had gone by.

"We seem to have raised the expenses since last week," Kyoya said, hanging his head, clearly annoyed by the end budget.

"You know, I have looked over some of the things that products that we have, we could always change a few things with a cheaper brand," I said looking over the list of bought items. Kyoya raised his head looking at me, before leaning back, crossing his arms and closing his eye, he was obviously thinking about my comment, that or debating if he even wanted me around when doing the budget, I hoped the first one.

"You might be right but we will need so samples to determine which product to change to," Kyoya said, before opening his eye and packing my things up and handing them to me" I'll pick you up at 8 tomorrow, you better be ready by then,"

Kyoya pushed me out of the club room before closing the door, leaving me standing outside with all my stuff in my arms.

"What?" I was confused, I took the bag from my arms and swung it over my shoulder before looking back at the door still confused before walking down the hall, starting my journey to get home." I guess I have to get ready for tomorrow,"

Time Skip

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock which I quickly turned off and got out of bed. I change out of my PJs and into a pair of jeans, a shirt and pulled a big wool sweater over my head before picking up my shoulder bag from the floor so I could pack anything that might be useful for the day, a ping came from my phone, signalling that I had a message.

'Be there in 5 minutes - Kyoya O' I quickly texted that I would be waiting outside, I place the strap on my shoulder and walked out of my room to see Haruhi in the kitchen.

"Morning Haru," I said taking the chopsticks that were laying on the counter before eating some of the scrambled egg on the pan.

"Morning," she said hitting my chopsticks away. "Where are you going this early?"

"Reviewing with Kyoya-senpai," I said taking another bite of the egg as my cheeks turned a light pink.

" Kyoya-senpai?" she asked with a confused voice.

"Yeah, h-he invited me yesterday," I said, my cheeks becoming redder.

"Alright have fun on your date," she giggled as I was walking over to the door after leaving the chopsticks on the counter again.

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