Form for Graphic Designers

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So, we are back with the forms.

But only for the Graphic designers.

The form for writers will be out maybe sooner or later. Just be patient 🌸

Please Note:- Designers should add their watermarks to their covers. This is must and no excuses would be taken for this.

The one who is doing the base should write: Base by (your own watermark) and the one who is doing the final should mention their own watermark.

And then there should be again a final cover in which it should be properly mentioned, 'Graphic by (both the partners name)'.

So in short, you have to mail us total 3 covers. One- base, Two- Final, Three- With both the partners watermark together.

Form :-

Name of the team (if there is any. Not mandatory)
*Username of the participants:
*Followed the account and the rules?:
*5 Tags:

Deadline for the submission of your entries:-

14 May 2020, 12:00 am (IST)

(The same deadline works for the filling of the form.)

Note :- Subject of your mail should be
'#CAcontest Name of your team or your watermarks or user id.'

Any queries drop a message.

Thank You!❤


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