24. Every Inch of Me is Trembling, But Not From the Cold

Start from the beginning

"Okay," Virg nodded, glancing at her briefly. "Want me to come with you?"

Jord nodded. She felt much better than she had the previous evening, full of energy, but she now knew from experience how taxing it was to push your power over such a great distance, and she needed him there, if only for moral support.

About thirty minutes later, as she crouched beside the mouth of the river, her gaze happened to return to the lake behind her, and she paused for a second, an idea suddenly occurring to her.

"What are you thinking?" Asked Virg, noticing the look on her face.

"I'm wondering if I try and use the power of the lake to help me get through it," she hummed, glancing around. "I'm not sure if it will work. Let me try something."

She dipped her right hand into the cool water, her power immediately leaping from her hand, and circling through the water. This time, she directed it back into the lake, and circled it around in the depths, her senses picking up the fish swimming in the depths, and the place where Trent and Hannah had gone to continue their fishing expedition. Then she brought it back towards herself, and dipped her left hand in the water, transferring the power back upstream.

"Woah," she gasped, as she felt it rushing through her, almost like an electric current. "That's much faster."

"I guess it's working then?" Virg smiled, sitting down beside her. He dipped his own hand in the lake, and Jord gasped, turning to look at him.

"I can sense you there!" She said, her eyes wide with surprise. Tentatively, she tapped into the power that was there, and fed it along the river, now flowing faster than ever.

"I've already reached the bottom," she told him.

"I know," he responded. "I can feel it too now. This is incredible, Jord."

Both of them fell silent, concentrating on their task, until they finally felt the edge of their powers reaching the cascade of water that Jord had assumed was the chasm.

"That's definitely the chasm," Virg nodded, in confirmation. "Can you go up?"

"It's still so hard," said Jord, her brow furrowing in concentration. "It's infinitely harder than passing through the rest of the river."

"Hold on, I have an idea," said Virg. "Let's get the others to help."

Jord's eyes widened, and she nodded.

"That will work!" She exclaimed. "Can you call them? I need to focus, but you can let go if you need."

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"I'm sure," She nodded. "I've held it here before."

Virg slowly withdrew his hand, and with it, the energy of his power, before standing up, and glancing around the valley.

"Gini, Ems! Can you get everyone to come over here? As quick as you can!"

A few minutes later, the other seven occupants of the valley were eagerly joining Jord and Virg at the edge of the river once again.

"Virg was able to connect his power to mine by sticking his hands in the water," said Jord. "It made it a whole lot easier for my own powers to travel down the river, but it's still not enough to make it up the chasm."

"Oh, you want us to help?" Said Trent, understanding.

He jumped across the river, and sat down on the other side, watching as Virg returned his hand to the water, before copying his actions. Rory followed him, and the rest of them stayed on their own side, slowly feeding their own powers into the water to join up with the others.

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