𝟏𝟒 | 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭

Start from the beginning

His broad stature was intimidating, his gaze intense with my arguing.

His lips press thinly into a line, while I'm trying to muster more of an argue point. Yet all he could do was lean back into his chair, amused with a smirk curling upon his lips. The shadows dance around with the flames of candle light flicker, feeling the heavy tension sinking between us.

"You always love to argue with something of mine, even before I became Commander," He comments, being observant for the last few years. "Why do you resent me so much?"

Staring at him dumbfounded by his accusation, my hands tighten by my sides. My hair messily covers my eyes, covering up the irritation of this man. How could he asks me that, when it's the other way around?


He scoffs, his gaze shifts to the papers before him.

"As always, you don't have an answe--"

"I do,"

His eyes trail up slowly, intrigued by my voice breaking the heavy silence. "You do.....okay, what is it?"

My hands tighten, my knuckles turning white.

"What is your problem with me? I've fought alongside you," I began, my voice raising higher. "I've followed your guidance, advice, suggestions, did your dirty work.......even forced someone who was only trying to survi--"

"That, was actually illegal allegations Akira," he snaps, making me almost flinch from his tone. "What they did was against the policy, against the royal government, against us!"


"Levi lost his friends, given that......he's alone meaning he's willing cooperate with us," he cuts me off, making my eyes widen in horror. "So don't you think you're boss around here, you're lucky you're a squad Captain.......I was gonna promote you to a higher rank.....but I will postpone it now......"

My heart clenched, dissatisfied with his response.

"Don't use Levi's comrades death as excuse, just to use him as you see fit," I mutter, my voice deepens. Glaring towards him, "You're lucky I help you, because at first I was your strongest weapon......but now, using Levi while he's vulnerable? That's shallow, even for you."


Blinking away a few tears, that threaten to roll down.

"You didn't seem to care at all that I could've lost my life in Shiganshina," my voice grew shaky, feeling myself starting build up an anxiety attack. My head was throbbing with the intense feeling of being lost, lost within myself and what I'm really fighting for.

Turning on my heel I went to leave, my hand reaching for the doorknob.

"We must be strict with lives, that's all I have to say," he says.

Gripping the handle I push the door wide open, before seeing Hanji jump in response noticing she must've been standing outside. "Hanji, I--"

"Sorry, I've got to Commander Erwin,"

"You can come in!" Erwin calls, as Hanji mutters an apology before walking inside while slamming the door.

I stood there unable to understand or fathom my words, or to even think about my first time expressing the question I wanted him to answer. Dammit, my heart is pounding so hard. Soon my anxiety raises higher the more I thought about it, making me storm down the corridor to head to the training grounds.


The sounds of my fists connecting with a hay stuffed dummy, echoes in the dead of night.

Small grunts leave my lips while unleashing my anxiety, anger and frustration out. Beads of sweat align my forehead, following with my shallow breaths panting through my lips. My muscles straining, my feet dragging across the ground while I angle my punches. Spiking a few spots, I do a roundhouse kick sending the dummy far from me breaking it in half.

𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐒 𝐇𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐍𝐒 | 𝐋.𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐑𝐌𝐀𝐍Where stories live. Discover now