Who pissed in your cornflakes?

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(Y/n pov)
I woke up in a bad mood. I had a dream about the people I left and I feel terrible about it. I grumbled and made my way into my closet. I grab a pair of Jean's, my guns n roses tshirt and a red flannel. I walked into my bathroom and took a shower and got ready. I put on my work boots before I left my room and made my way into the kitchen.

I walk into the kitchen to see Sam on his laptop. I walk over to the cabinet and made myself a cup of coffee. "Morning" sam greets. I just glare at him and take a sip of my coffee. "Who pissed in your cornflakes?" Sammy tell. I just waved him off and sat in front of him.

"So why are you so off this morning?" Sam asks. "I miss the people I left" I admit. Sam gives me a pitiful glance. "How do you do it Sammy? How do you just leave people you come to love and not feel anything?" "Well...it took a long time for it not to totally suck. Eventually you just learn to do it I guess. It's part if the job and it still sucks to do but now I know that you cant risk other people's lives to be selfish. You know... if you love something let it go." I just nod and sigh. "You know what gets my mind off these things?" "Hit me" "well we go on cases and that usually does it" "okay well when you find something let me know." He smiles and goes back to his work.

-time skip brought to you by sam sneezing-

I walk into the kitchen and find Sam and Dean discussing something about wendigo. "What's wendigo?" "Cannibals" Dean says plainly. "Okay when and where are we going? And what are we doing?" "Were going to Blackwater Ridge. Were leaving in an hour and were gonna find the missing people." Sam says. "How long are we gonna be gone?" "Couple days" Dean says. "Okay I'll go pack" I say. They nod at me an I leave.

I walk into the kitchen 40 minutes later with my duffle bag. They both look at me. "Listen it's not just clothes, actually I only have 2 days worth of clothes....." "then what's in there?" Dean asks. "Wepons and a couple books" I say and open up the bag. I take out my katana, machete, and beretta M9 and set them on the table. They boys look at me shocked. "What... I'm prepared" they just slowly nod and I return everything into my bag.

The boys and I head to Dean's car and we begin our drive. Sam and I research more on our laptops about the missing persons case.

Hours later we pull onto a motel and I go to get a room. "A room with two mattresses and cot if you have one." They guy at the desk nodded "60$" he said. I handed him the money. "Room 23 upstairs" I thank him and make my way out to the car.

I throw my bag on the table in the room and ask "who's taking the cot?" Sam and Dean begin to play rock, paper, scissors again. I grab my bag off the table and throw it onto the bed. Dean loses and sighs and goes to set his stuff on the cot.

We leave the motel and go to find a food place. We pull into a Chinese restaurant and order. The boys get basic takeout and I order egg flower soup and a thai tea without boba(this is what I order from the Chinese restaurant i go to and yes they sell thai tea there idk man).Once our order is ready we go back to the hotel.

We all sit down at the table in the motel and eat. The boy glance at my food. "What is that" sam says gesturing to my soup. "And that" dean points to my drink. "Uhhhh egg flower soup and thai tea." "Is it any good?" dean asks. "Here" I hand them both a spoon and I push my styrofoam container of soup toward them. They both take a bite and there eyes light up. "That's awesome" Sam says. "I'm getting that next time" sam says while Dean nods in agreement. I then slide my tea toward them. "Take a drink" sam takes the lid off and takes a sip then hands the cup to dean who follows suit. Dean hands my cup back to me and I continue to eat.

"How did we not know about this stuff?" Dean asks. "Because you order the same thing every time" I shoot back. "Well shes not wrong" sam says. Dean just rolls his eyes and laughs.

Later in the evening I'm chilling in the room and reading a book. "Hey I'm gonna go out and get a beer. Either of you wanna come?" Dean asked me an Sam. "No I'm good." We said in unison. "Suit yourselves" Dean says and walks out. Me and Sam look to eacho roll our eyes and go back to what were doing.

An hour later Dean comes back with a girl. "Hey yall should hlgo check out the diner down the street." Me and sam roll our eyes and get up to leave. Dean throws me the keys and we leave. As were pulling away dean looks out the windows and gives me and Sam a thumbs up before shutting the curtains.

"God that boy has issues" I say. Sam laughs "wanna go get a coffee?" "Yeah let's go." Sam starts the car and we down the street to a diner.

We walk in and sit down in a booth in the corner. "What can I get for you today?" The waitress asks. "Two coffees please" sam replys. She smiles and walks away. I look around and my eyes land on a boy with curly red hair, a boy with straight black hair, a kid with a snap back on and two girls with blonde hair.

I quickly turn around with a panicked look on my face. "What's wrong?" Sam looked at me weird. "There here" I said. "The people that I met during the zombie case." "Where?" I throw my head in the direction of their table. "The table with 5 people, three guys two girls?" "Yeah that's them" "well why are they here?" "I dont know mabey they live here now. I didnt get a call or anything." He nods and our coffee comes.

We finish our coffee and leave 20$ on the table for our coffees. Sam thought the waitress should get a big tip considering how tired she looked and I agreed. We make our way out of the diner and my eyes connect with Carters. He gets up and starts walking toward me and my brother so I push him to move faster.

I start walking to the car when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around and hold a blade to the person's throat. I quickly retracted the blade when I realize Carter is on the other end. "What are you doing here?" I smile at Carter. "I'm on a case right now" Carter pulls me in for a big hug. Were interrupted by a clearing of a throat. "Who's this?" My brother asks in his intimidation voice. "Sam this is Carter" I feel Carter stiffen up. Carter immediately retracts from me. "I'm sorry I wasnt aware that y/n had a boyfriend." Carter says slightly frightened. Me and Sam look at eachother and start laughing. Sam is on the floor by the time I can explain. I look at Carter while I'm still laughing "Carter this is my BROTHER Sam" I emphasize the brother part. Carter rubs the back of his neck. "My bad" Carter says.

"Hey you should come say hi to everyone" Carter says. "I can't...I'm sorry I have to go." I turn away but am pulled back into Carters chest. He pulls me in for a kiss. I grab his face and deepen the kiss. As I pull away I rest my head on the side of his shoulders. "Close your eyes" I whisper into his ear. I pull away and rest his hands at his side. "Dont move and keep your eyes closed and count to one hundred." He nods. "I love you." I whisper and pull him in for one last kiss. "Okay count" i say and he begins to count. I pull away from him and quickly get into the car. Sam silently pulls away and we go back to the motel.

(Carters pov)
I see y/n walking out of the diner. "I'll be back I gotta pee" I tell everyone and walk to follow y/n. We all moved to backwater ridge after the zombie outbreak. I tried to go after y/n but the people I now call my family stopped me.

I quickly run outside and I stop y/n. She holds a blade to my neck before quickly pulling it away. "What are you doing here?" I ask. "I'm on a case right now." She said. I pull her in for a hug.

I hear a clearing of a throat and I quickly pull away from y/n. "Whos this?" The tall, scary man asks. "Sam this is Carter" she says. I stiffen up at her words. "I'm sorry I wasnt aware y/n had a boyfriend" I apologize to the man. I see them look at eachother and start laughing. I'm very confused until y/n says "Carter this is my BROTHER Sam". I rub my neck "My bad."

I snap out of my awkward state and pipe up. "Hey you should come say hi to everyone" I say hopefully. "I can't...I'm sorry I have to go" i panic and pull her back into me. I cant lose her again. I pull her in for a kiss. I feel her rest her hand on my face. When we pull away she rests her head on my shoulder and whispers into my ear. "Close your eyes." She pulls away and move my hands off her and to my sides. I go to move but she stops my action. "Dont move keep your eyes closed and count to one hundred." I nod and close my eyes. "I love you" she whispers. She kisses me and pulls away. "Okay count" she says. I begin to count. I reach one hundred and open my eyes. When I open my eyes shes gone. I look around and shake my head. I walk back inside and rejoin everyone.

"What was that about? You were gone for a while" Denise said. "Nothing" I look down and continue to eat my food. She shrugs and leaves the topic alone after that.

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