Chapter one (Aka 'Where IS he?'

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It was a normal day in Lord Betrayus's palace, except... "WHERE IS HE?" ..Tysalos was missing. He didn't particularly like them, in fact, he hated them (they were too clingy) but he had to admit that they did have some good contributions, particularly their crystals.

CRYSTALCHEMIST (noun) chris-al-chem-ist
1. Someone who does alchemical work, specifically with crystals and crystalline objects.

But other than that, he mostly just hated being ignored. Butt-ler (god i hate writing his name) sighed. "Perhaps he isn't here right now, sire." Lord Betrayus seethed. "NOT HERE?! WHERE ELSE COULD HE POSSIBLY BE!?" The servant sighed again, shaking his head. "Please calm down, sire. Perhaps hes been taken." He didn't mean it, of course, it was ridiculous to think. "TAKEN?! Wait- yes! Of course! Taken! Hes such a weakling, even Pac-Man could kidnap him!" He bolted up, quickly sprinting into Pacworld. Butt-ler reluctantly followed him.

After looking around for a bit, they discovered Pac-man, his friends, and Tysalos sitting in a park, making cheerful conversation. He stormed over to them angrily. "Tysalos! What are you doing here? You're supposed to be in your lab!" He snarled. All four of them jumped to their feet. "Lord Betrayus! What are you doing here?!" Demanded Cylindria. Even Tysalos was ready for a fight- which was odd, he had never raised a hostile finger to Lord Betrayus before. He looked at them oddly. "Silence!" He demanded of the others, although it was much more of a 'be quiet so i can think.' He realized, after a few long seconds, what had happened. "You! What did you do to him?!" Pacman huffed. "Just leave! You aren't welcome here." They said, waving the other off god i hate pacman so fucking much "Not until i get my crystalchemist back!" He snarled. The other four leapt into battle. And then they fought (it was rly cool u gotta imagine it tho) and at one point Lord Betrayus. And as they were hiding he turned to Butt-ler and scowled. "Well? What should we do?" Butt-ler sighed and shrugged. "I don't know, sire. Doesn't he have a crush on you? They say that love conquers all." He thinks for a moment. "I suppose... its worth a try." He lunged out of his hiding place into the fray, spreading his arms.. for a hug.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2020 ⏰

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