I Can't Sleep - h.tfn

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A/N: Most of the things I write are based off of prompts such as pictures and songs, so if I do use said prompts, I will try to include them in the imagine.  :)


"I'm tired now."

Y/N turned to her friend, Tiffany. She looked pretty in her moonlit bedroom.

"Then sleep." Y/N hummed, laying down. When Tiffany made no movement to join her, she sighed and tapped her friend's arm gently.

"I don't think you understand." Tiffany spoke, just above a whisper, "I can't sleep with you, here, next to me. It's weird."

A frown crossed Y/N's face as she switched the small lamp on her bedside table on.

"I...I'm sorry?"

Tiffany shrugged. It wasn't Y/N's fault that she felt this way. That she felt so tense and suffocated in such a close environment.

"You've been on my mind a lot recently, and now you're here...it feels overwhelming." Tiffany smiled sadly.

Y/N raised an eyebrow and sat up straight, glancing over at Tiffany.

"I should've told you before I agreed to come to this...sleepover." the unusually upset girl huffed, looking down at her lap; she was outgoing, extroverted, so why was she at a loss for words, and why so suddenly? "Maybe it's not the right time to say this, but now we're alone, I guess it's the only chance I'll get for a while, so it's now or never."

Y/N could only gaze at Tiffany as she struggled to express what she desperately wanted to. A thousand thoughts ran through two equally confused minds, yet the tranquil silence said otherwise.

"I really like you." Tiffany confessed, finally reaching the latter's innocent eyes, heart clenching at how oblivious Y/N really was, "I really, really do."

"That's...nice?" Y/N whispered, not sure how to feel. However, when Tiffany laughed bitterly, her eyes began to shake and her hands began to clam up. She'd never thought of Tiffany like that, like more than a friend, but come to think of it, why did her mind always travel to Tiffany when buying things? Why did she always search for Tiffany's zodiac sign on those vague horoscope charts on Instagram? Why did being with Tiffany - alone - feel like heaven? Maybe she felt it, too.

"I don't know what to say." Y/N croaked nervously. Tiffany finally laid back on the bed and admired the way the tree outside the window swayed in the spring breeze.

"You don't have to say anything." Tiffany responded generously, glad when the lamp's bright light abruptly shut off, easing her eyes slightly, "You know me, I never run from my problems. Not that you're a problem. Well, except from my sleeping problem; you're always in my mind somehow."

"I'm sorry." Y/N repeated as she slipped under the soft, fresh duvet and turned towards Tiffany, "I'm sorry I don't know what to say or do. I'm sorry I don't have the answer you want. But, don't think I don't like you...I just- I need time."

Tiffany nodded and brushed the stray hairs off of Y/N's forehead, letting out a content laugh when the latter's eyes followed her fingers.

"You don't need to be sorry." Tiffany assured, resting her arm on the other's shoulder, "Just because I like you, doesn't mean things have to be weird. Of course everything will be different, but I'll understand. I'll wait for you, and I'll wait for your answer."

With a satisfied hum, Y/N shut her eyes and allowed the sweet sound of distant cars and Tiffany's hushed breathing overtake her body.

"For now, let's sleep." Y/N spoke softly - tender like the sheep she was currently counting. "I won't make you wait too long, Tiffany, I promise."

And Tiffany closed her eyes as well, overjoyed by the gentleness of the night. She believed, truly, that she would (for the first time in many, many nights) get good rest because, although Y/N was there, after leaving her confession hanging, she'd come clean; she was ridden of the overbearing burden called a 'crush'.

 She believed, truly, that she would (for the first time in many, many nights) get good rest because, although Y/N was there, after leaving her confession hanging, she'd come clean; she was ridden of the overbearing burden called a 'crush'

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