List 01 - Mission 00 - Prologue

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"And it grew both day and night, Till it bore an apple bright."

May 16th, 08:06 PM

Redgrave City

Several people were gazing up at what appeared to be a tree. It was no ordinary tree though.

One of the people observing took a breath from his cigar. "We've known each other a long time... Ya never had this much trouble. You gonna make it through this, Danya?" the man said to himself as he stared up at the tree.

This man is The Broker: Morrison.

"She'll be alright." a female voice said. He turned to see a girl with her blonde hair tied in two spiky buns on the sides of her head. "So will Izu-chan and Kacchan."

This girl is The Blood Drinker: Himiko Toga.

Morrison sighed and turned back to the tree. "I hope you're right about this." he said.

Inside the tree

A woman wearing red was seen dodging various attacks and retaliating with her sword.

This woman is The Legendary Devil Huntress: Danya.

Quite a distance away, two girls were walking a bit before coming to a stop. One had green hair with a white streak and green eyes while the other had blonde, spiky hair and red eyes. The most notable thing about the green-haired girl was that she was missing her right arm.

The one with green hair is The Devil Huntress: Izumiko Midoriya while the blonde is The Explosive Blonde: Katsumi Bakugo.

Katsumi scoffed, folding her arms under her chest. "What are we doing wasting our time here? She's got this." she said, having grown irritated.

Izumiko turned to her. "I don't think think so. I know my aunt, and if she could handle this, then she would have done so by now."

"She has a point." said a voice behind them. They turned to see a black-haired man using a cane walking up to them. He wears a sleeveless jacket that is left open, showing his tattooed body. He was followed by one of his familiars: a large, demonic-looking bird named Griffon.

This is The Mysterious One: V.

"You would be wise not to underestimate this demon." he continued. "After all, it was he who took Izumiko's right arm and gained a great deal of power from it."

This got Izumiko to look at the stump of her right arm in thought. If this was the demon that took her right arm, then what became of her father's sword?

V tapped his cane, a black mist forming around its tip and his feet. "I'm leaving. I suggest you do not fall behind." he said as the mist carried him forward, the bird following him.

"Okay V. You're an interesting person, but you make a good point." Izumiko muttered.

"You're goddamn right, he does! I've got a score to settle with that son of a bitch!" Katsumi yelled, charging forward.

The green-haired devil huntress just shook her head and followed with a sigh.

'Aunt Danya...'

The pair walked for a bit before coming to an odd sight. They saw a bug-like demon sucking blood from the ground next a similar bug that was lying down, most likely dead. It noticed them and prepared to attack.

This demon is the Demonic Insect: Empusa.

Katsumi instantly made short work of it with a quick and powerful explosion along with the two others that popped up from pools of blood, saying something along the lines of 'I ain't got time for your shit so just fucking die!'.

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