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Today is another day, and we're back to being students again. The boys won't have to practice for quite some time to now focus on their academics, but as the graduating manager I must look for a student to replace the managerial duties so was busy the whole week.


Oikawa's POV

"What is Kioko-chan's been up to? She's been ditching us the whole week!" I whined.

Damn, I miss her.

"Well, she's busy looking for someone who will replace her as the team's manager for the next year." Yumi said sipping her yogurt.

She doesn't have to do that! The boys can manage without a manager.

"Is she eating well though?" Iwa-chan asked

Yeah, what if she's not eating well then suddenly collapse on the hallway!

"She is, don't worry. Just let her be, she's enjoying this." Yumi said

But I don't! I miss her so bad!

"Are you murdering someone in your head?" Iwa-chan asked

Oh, he's asking me. Damn, Iwa-chan can really see right through me.

"I'm not. I'm just annoyed Kioko-chan's not making time for us." I explained

We only see her on our walk to school and home, and then at lunch. Now that she got herself busy, I can barely see her!

"Why don't you just confess to her?" Iwa-chan said

Wha-what? Confess?

"Yeah, you both clearly like each other." Yumi added

She likes me?

"But I-"

"Don't give us that crappy reason thrashykawa. You're highschool career just ended and we only have weeks before graduation."

"You're really creepy Iwa-chan, are you a mind reader?"

"Tssss." He hissed

"Well, if you don't want her to be your girlfriend, I guess that guy might think otherwise." Yumi said pointing at a certain direction.

"Damn." Iwa-chan cussed

Damn, really. What is he doing here? And he's talking with Kioko!

"Kioko-chaaaaan!" I yelled as the three of us ran near the gates where she and that guy was standing.

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