The day is done, and your smile has gone away

Ash looked up and noticed Willow had turned away from her. Although she was shivering, Ash could care less about her own body freezing and focused more on telling Willow how she felt. She put down her guitar and slowly approached her.

All I want is to keep you safe from the cold

To give you all that your heart needs the most

As Willow kept her eyes sealed shut, Ash put the broken heart necklace back around her neck. Willow didn't bother turning to face her and the storm just got worse. But Ash refused to give up.

Let me raise you up

Let me be your love

At that moment, Willow opened her eyes and slowly turned around to face Ash.

May I hold you as you fall to sleep

When the world is closing in and you can't breathe?

The winds blew harder, Willow was having an asthma attack. Ash let her use her inhaler and continued singing.

May I love you? May I be your shield?

When no one can be found, may I lay you down?

The Darkness continued to grow, Willow's teeth became serrated. It was attacking her heart like a punching bag. Not backing down, Ash took her hands so she could feel her love for her.

All that's made me is all worth trading

Just to have one moment with you

So I will let go all that I know

Knowing that you're here with me

Closing her eyes, Willow shed a single tear and once they opened back up, a bright light began shining through them. Where her markings used to be began glowing, too, as she began singing.

For your love is changing me!

In a flash of bright light, the blizzard just vanished! Ash watched as Willow's blackened skin returned to its pale lavender complexion, and her eyes shimmered like amethysts, but it didn't stop there as Ash resumed the song.

May I hold you as you fall to sleep

When the world is closing in and you can't breathe?

The scar across her left eye faded away, her outfit turned into a beautiful sleeveless gown with silver sparkles, and her black hair became as colorful as a rainbow. Without noticing her transformation, Willow continued singing with Ash.

May I love you? May I be your shield?

When no one can be found, may I lay you down?

As Ash began crying happy tears, Willow noticed what had happened to her. Although she was confused, she let her joy take over and hugged the Rock princess.

“Thank you," she sobbed.

“Willow, I should've told you what Barb and I were doing," Ash admitted, hugging her back. “I'm really sorry. I guess I am like the Pop Trolls."

“Ash, those Trolls from back then aren't us," Willow assured her, holding her hands. “We're different from them. I'm a Pop Troll who sings depressing songs, you're a Rock Troll who sings love songs. That's who we are. And I love who you are."

Ash smiled at Willow's words and slightly pushed her hair back. “I love who you are, too."

Their moment was suddenly interrupted by the distant sounds of guitars and drums. Although they couldn't see it, the two Trolls immediately recognized the sounds of hard rock.

“Barb must have all the strings," Ash figured. “By now, she's taking everyone to Volcano Rock City so they'll hear her perform her final number and play the ultimate power chord."

With a determined look on her face, Willow turned to her love and asked her, “What exactly does it do?"

“I don't know, only Barb knows," she answered. “But I do have a bad feeling about it."

Willow's violet eyes grew wider than they already were.

“Oh, fudge pops."


“Rock and roll!" King Thrash shouted as Barb's army returned to their home, Volcano Rock City. It was a barren wasteland with a massive active volcano at the center of it, spewing smoke, ash, and lava. Not too far behind Barb was her sister. She flew in on a motorbug with Willow flying beside her, her wings now pure white.

“What's the plan?" Willow asked Ash.

“Sneak in, take the strings, fix everything," she answered.

“No offense, Ash," Willow said nervously, “but that's not a very good plan."

“I know, but it's the only one I've got!"

Willow's jaw dropped as she took in the sight below her. At the volcano's base was a massive arena. Above the stage was Barb's fortress, a structure shaped like a skull. Across the arena were all of the different Trolls seated in different columns, and the Rock Trolls were in the front. Willow had never seen anything like it.

“Let's hope for the best, then," she said quietly, and they flew in.

So, yeah. Ash is an Alternative Troll. I first heard that song in a Donald×Daisy edit. It was hard to choose between it and “Fix You" by Coldplay.

This is what Willow looks like throughout the rest of the book.

This is what Willow looks like throughout the rest of the book

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Until next time. 🤘

Trolls World Tour (with Flower and Willow)Where stories live. Discover now