Chapter 1

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Morning, the start of life, the beginning of a new day, for me it's none of those. Every morning is the same, getting up, taking a shower, and putting on something that will make me dazzle like the stars. Putting on a bit of makeup before putting on a black tank top, a large white fur coat, skinny black jeans, and a pair of black converse. Walking out into the hallway of my apartment, looking to the left before closing my room door behind me, shutting it as quietly as I can. "Where do you think you're going this early?" I'd hear my friend Jorge down the hall, wincing as I'd walk to the direction of the voice. "I'm going out." I'd say, crossing my arms as I'd see Jorge on the couch, he'd be laying with no shirt his lower half covered by a blanket as he'd be watching TV and sipping coffee. "Where?" Jorge would eye me, his eyes shining with a deep hazel. "I'm going to go out, really it's none of your business. Getting in my business all the damn time." I'd turn around quickly walking to the door of the apartment before getting stopped by Jorge's arm on my shoulder. I'd take a deep breathe before turning to him before realizing he was naked. I'd blush slightly, looking at his chiseled chest, before my eyes going lower. I'd cover my eyes quickly, embarrassed that I looked at his glory. "WHY are you naked?! And shouldn't you be at work?!" I'd blush harder as he'd pull my hands away from my face. "I got the day off, and not only that I was feeling frisky today" he'd wink, smirking as he'd try to take my coat off. I'd push his face with my hand, walking out the door quick and shutting it behind me. I'd take a deep breath, fixing my jacket before smiling. "Dummy."

I'd walk out of the building, waving bye to the counter lady who always smiles when she sees me. I'd then look out to the curb, a black SUV waiting there with a big and tall looking bouncer standing at the front passenger. I'd walk up to him as he would open the door, thanking him with a nod and sitting down in the passenger's seat and seeing the door closed behind me. I'd look to the driver who was my bouncer, Bear. "So where to Boss?" He'd say in a very deep tone voice. I'd smile, hugging him tightly in my embrace even though my arms don't fit around him. "HI BEAR, we should get to the studio, Tony wants me to do a couple of shoot since I got some new outfits." I'd look up, seeing bear smile through his bushy goatee. "Alright." He'd say cheerfully, putting his foot down on the gas and begin to move the car forward. I'd get on my phone, seeing texts from Jorge looking at them curiously then looking at Bear.

Jorge - Heyyyy, I know you liked this morning and I hope you will like it more when you get home (wink emoji) Also I saw Bear, How is he, he still gorgeous, tell him I love him.


Jorge - Met him at a gay bar, duh. Also, he has a huuuuuuuge dick, I mean massive. As a switch, I enjoyed this one part-

I'd hide my phone, blushing with a confused face. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Bear smiling with his brows furrowed. I cannot believe that just happened, my fucking protector and driver knows my fucking roommate and has had sex with him. I'd purge the image out of my head, going back to my phone and searching through my emails and seeing the one from Tony. I'd open it up Seeing that it was a list of the photographers who would be at the shoot today which lit my eyes up since they had profiles and faces. Maybe this is my chance to get some today instead of having to go home to that. I'd imagine Jorge in the kitchen with a apron on and nothing else, my face having a mood of disgust. I'd notice a couple of them. Pale, brown wavy hair, freckles, and probably tops. Now is my chance to show Jorge that I can get someone and try to get him off my ass, literally. I'd then would text Tony, smirking as I'd tap my phone loudly.

Me - Tony, These look like some good photographers, are any of them at all from major companies or the like?

Tony - Is that all you mean or are you trying to get some? Most of them are and if you meant the other thing, a couple of them are gay so your chances are high. BUT DON'T FUCK THIS UP, YOU KNOW WE MEAN BUSINESS.

Me - Yeah Yeah, all dat aside, who is gay I want to know so maybe I can get a sugar daddy~

Tony - All the gay ones, dumbass.


I'd squeal like a little girl, dancing with joy with my phone in one hand. FINALLY, something that is worth doing today. This morning is turning out to be good for once. Bear would look at me, chuckling as we'd pull up to the studio. I'd open the door, getting to the door and waiting for Bear as he would hand the keys to the valet. He'd walk over to me, hulking over me as he would open the door. "Thank you Bear.", "Always at your service."

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