ii. evergreen blues

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you give in and sigh annoyingly because he read right through you, "okay fine, he's all i can think about and i'm a miserable wreck."

"i'm sure we can figure out a way to distract yourself from the guy. my offer stands of a rebound, you know you have my number on speed dial~" he jokingly teased, winking at you with pride.

you both couldn't help but cringe and laugh hysterically, "ew! in your dreams, akabane." you say in between laughs.

the blissful laughter faded and had turned into silence, the same silence that time travelled you back to the night asano made the gut-wrenching call to you. how could someone do that? you angrily thought. he could've at least broken up with me in person, what an asshole — does he not have a heart? but,

i can't help but still love that asshole after what he put me through.

"so um, how did your parents react when they found out?" you say trying to get your mind off of asano.

"well you know how they are. travelling the world and what not, neglecting their son like always. they just told me to stay away from violence blah blah blah, which i'm obviously not gonna do."

he grabbed an unusual-looking green pocketknife from his blazer pocket and continuously threw it up in the air with his left hand like it was just some simple apple.

"i thought you'd still be able to stay on the main campus for third year, i mean, your grades are still amazing.." you point out.

"you remember how prince charming dropped to e class? they got onto him for working whilst being a student, we both apparently 'violated school policy'."

prince charming, mr. handsome, whatever silly nickname everyone gave isogai, you considered him to be a good friend. you thought he was the exact standard for the ideal boyfriend and that every man should strive to be like him, especially karma.

"the difference between you and isogai is that he has no choice because he has a family to support, you however had a choice in not getting involved with those hooligans." you say, snatching the rubber textured knife from his hands and stuffing it in your pocket to get his attention. he flinched. he thought of you as a fragile person and didn't expect you to let even the tip of your fingers come into contact with weapons, let alone his own.

"yes, mother. i will never be up to par with mr. handsome and i should avoid trouble like him." he says, sarcastically saluting with his right hand.

he didn't care about what you said and still felt justified in preventing that class e senior from being bullied further by the likes of your despicable peers.

"calm yourself, i never said what you did was wrong. in all honesty, that was really brave of you. stupid, but brave." you say admittedly.

you only scolded him because you couldn't stop imagining a scenario in which he didn't get out of that situation unscathed, he was troublesome with good intentions but handled this through 'bad' executions.

karma chuckled and seemingly shrugged off your comment. however after a pause, he says: "thanks, it means a lot coming from you." with a small smile on his face.

you liked that side of him, only a select few in his life knew. karma could be an empathetic and emotional person if he put his mind to it. for a split second, he made you forget about all the chaos that was ensuing in your life. just as you were about to open your mouth to reply, a voice in the distance suddenly called for you and karma, snapping you two into a cautious state of mind.

"guys!" it was nagisa.

a sigh of relief emitted from your mouth, although he interrupted a moment between you two, you were just glad to see him after how supportive he'd been in the previous school year.

"korosensei wants you two back on campus stat. terasaka saw you guys were bunking together and snitched."

what nagisa failed to mention however was after that bone-head told on the both of you, this weird korosensei guy (which was firstly an already weird name) had turned a shade of pink and started relationship gossiping to the others, seeing you guys as a possible cute pair. your friends egged on mentioning how close the two of you are, which fuelled his shipping gas even more than before, calling it a 'friends to lovers' trope.

"korosensei, huh?~ eager to see us, i see." karma replied back, pushing his hands deep into his pockets again, doing his signature smug look.

"koro..sensei? what kind of goofy name is that? he must be new.." you say, mocking how stupid the name sounded.

"you sure have a big surprise for you lying ahead, (y/n). you'll just have to wait and see~" karma said, edging you on even more.

you kept angrily annoying karma, demanding he tell you who this teacher was; yet your attempts failed and he didn't budge at all. meanwhile, nagisa wasn't helping with the situation as he awkwardly laughed in the distance at the weird tension you and karma shared. as the three of you were walking, you see from the corner of your eye that karma was sticking curious specs of green small pieces onto his hands.

"uh.. karma, what's that supposed to be? and why're you doing that...?" you didn't care if you were teased for being a mother scolding their child again.

"don't worry about it, sweetheart."



opposites attract: karma akabane.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant