Chapter 22: A Close Call

Start from the beginning

"Keep her name out of your mouth."

"I don't think you get it. I'm the one pointing a gun at you right now, the tough talk doesn't belong to you. Right now I could kill you and make it look like an accident, and still be the hero that uncovered the truth about you..."

Aaron chuckles.

"I'm sorry, Fuller but you're the one who is mistaken... See, you're in my house without a search warrant or probable cause so you're trespassing. And you're pointing a gun at an unarmed civilian in his own house, while you're off duty might I add. I am the one who can kill you, and make it seem like self defense. If you were to do anything to me, you'd just go to jail. The same jail you've put so many others in. They'll be happy to see you again..."

"Heh, you really think it works like that... How about I slap some cuffs on ya and let a judge decide!"

Aaron smiles and slowly brings his hands forward, putting his wrists together, teasing Fuller to cuff him. Fuller keeps his gun aimed steady as he reaches behind himself for the handcuffs. Fuller slaps one cuff on Aaron's wrist, Aaron then wraps the cuff around the hand that holds the gun, causing Fuller to drop it. Upon hitting the ground, the gun fires a shot.

Samantha, sitting in the basement, hears the gunshot and is startled by it. Her eyes open up in shock and she looks up to the basement ceiling, wondering what just happened.

Aaron now spins himself around Fuller, twisting his arm behind him in a submissive hold.

"Detective, you're making a big mistake."

"Like hell I am!"

Fuller elbows Aaron in the face with his free arm and breaks out of Aaron's grip. Aaron rubbing his chin now, receives a punch to the forehead from Fuller. Aaron stumbles back toward his living room and Fuller walks after him.

"A mistake is what you made when you messed with Carrie Sosa!"

Fuller gets in close to Aaron and hits him with a fast jab to the rib cage. Aaron grunts in pain as Fuller looks at him with anger. Aaron then throws a wild punch that connects with Fuller's right eye. This doesn't stop Fuller as he proceeds to hit Aaron with two more consecutive body punches to the abdomen. Aaron falls to his knees in pain with his injured arm now also serving as a clutch for the pain in his lower torso.

Aaron's good arm extends a hand as he tries to grab Fuller's jacket. Fuller slaps his hand away, then reaches down and picks him back up to his feet.

"Get up you scum."

Fuller grabs Aaron by the throat and gets up close to his face.

"Hire me to make yourself look innocent... After you took Carrie from me, just like you took Samantha from her mother!"

Aaron could barely speak through the pain but forces himself to do so anyway.

"Keep... Her name... Out of your mouth..."

Detective Fuller forcefully slams Aaron backward onto a glass table in the living room, shattering it to pieces. Aaron lays surrounded by broken glass and is squirming trying to get away from Fuller. Fuller kicks Aaron in the gut now, causing him to roll away. He kicks him again, hard enough that it makes him hit the wall by the fireplace, and a large portrait falls from the wall upon impact.

"You don't even deserve a prison... I'm ending this right here."

Fuller looks to the ground trying to spot where his gun fell to. He turns and walks back toward the front door, still looking down at the ground for his weapon. He gets down on the floor to look under the couches and does not see it. He continues to look and finally sees it next to the entrance. He picks it up and cocks it, then heads back over to the part of the living room he left Aaron in.

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