You literally made the room shake, over me?

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         TW: mentions of abuse (kind of) ⚠️

"We're here" the girls at the front of the bus jumped up and down squealing. Lizzie let out a huge sigh and they looked back at her

"It's a hotel you're not in The Bahamas. Nobody wants to wake up to your squealing"
She motioned her head towards hope sleeping on her shoulder.
The two girls at the front sat back down,
Embarrassed after being called out by lizzie.
Everyone was scared of lizzie, none of them ever made any effort to be friends with her in fear of being embarrassed or called out by her. She used to go to classes with bruises all over her and people assumed she would always get into fights as she was labelled as the 'school bitch'. If only they knew the truth, Lizzie was not as tough as she seemed. All she wanted was some friends, some people she could go to when she felt sad, or alone. She was so close to getting that with hope but she continuously attempted to self sabotage their friendship in fear of Josie being upset. Lizzie had brought so much pain to Josie through their life, dragging her along to all the therapy sessions. Having her deal with her breakdowns since their mom and dad were too busy fighting. Lizzie didn't want to hurt her any more than she already had.

the bus parked outside of the tall, modern hotel as everyone made their way to the windows facing it and admired the beauty of it waiting for permisson to get off the bus.
Lizzie looked at hope and smiled, she didn't want to wake her. She was sleeping so peacefully and she didn't seem to be getting much sleep lately, but Caroline motioned for them all to get off the bus so lizzie lightly shook hope in attempts to wake her up as nicely as possible

"Hope... hope wake up, we're here"

Hopes eyes slowly opened, they were looking right into lizzies. She smiled and whispered softly


"Yeah, come on we're here"

Hope suddenly realised where she was and she jerked up.

"Oh, I'm sorry I was still half asleep I"

"Don't worry, come on let's check out our room" lizzie laughed as she grabbed hope by the hand they ran off the bus shoving past the people at the front. Lizzie receiving dirty looks from a few girls. Hope was confused

"What's their problem?" She looked angry

"Oh nothing let's go" lizzie tried to continue walking towards the hotel but hope, still holding onto lizzies hand, pulled her back.

"Hey, no. That look she gave you isn't nothing"


"Come on" hope led lizzie behind one of the cars and sat her down on the curb "what's going on"

"Fine, last year I was seeing this guy... his name was rafael. We had been dating for a while and it was my birthday. I was waiting outside the party waiting for him to show up, but he didn't. I saw him in my party, kissing her. The next day a video went around of him and her together. She thinks I'm the one who sent it around when in reality I spent the whole night alone, upset. In my room. Josie was still at the party and then she stayed in her girlfriends room that night so i had no solid proof or whatever, she still blames me and she gives me shit for it but honestly I don't care"

"Lizzie... that's horrible, someone needs to teach her a le"

"No, no. I'm fine. I'm over it" lizzie interrupted "please hope" she placed her hand on hopes.

Hopes heart dropped

"Fine I won't talk to her"

"Thank you" lizzie let out a sigh of relief "let's go"

She got up and ran towards the entrance of the hotel trying to catch up with the rest of the group as hope followed slowly behind her.
How could someone be so horrible to lizzie. She was such an amazing person, she was so intriguing and magnetic. Every word she spoke just made hope want to know more about her, the good and the bad. She needed to do something about that girl, and rafael.

Later in the day

Lizzie walked out of the shower in her towel to hope sitting on the bed in silence

"Everything okay?" She asked as she dried her hair with a towel making her way closer to hope

"Yeah it's just, what you said earlier" hope grunted "she's a bully, I hate bullies"

"Hope, i appreciate you caring, but it's fine. I'm used to stuff like this."

"But you shouldn't be" hope stood up from the bed in anger "nobody should be used to that"

Lizzie looked up at the lights in their room flickering and the glass on the bedside table shaking

"Hey, hey" she grabbed hopes hand and sat her down on the bed "what's going on are you okay?"

Hope took a deep breath in and tried to calm down.

"I've just dealt with my fair share of bullies and nobody should have to go through that"

"You literally made the room shake, over me?"

"You're so amazing and I just don't get how people can't see that"

"You think so..."

"I do" hope said. She looked deeply into Elizabeths eyes. Neither of them looked away for what felt like an eternity. Hope inched forward towards her but the blonde jumped up and stuttered

"I-, I-. I think I left the shower on"
she got up and ran back into the bathroom.
Hopes face dropped and she fell back onto the bed.

What was that...

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