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Sadako heard people yelling her name, telling her to wake up but her she was too tired to open her eyes. Darkness seemed much more welcoming than the cranes that had been giving her hope. Sadako felt herself being moved around, the beeps from the monitor getting louder and louder. Maybe it wasn't so bad to just let go she thought. Meanwhile everyone impatiently waited outside the room, in tears. All they wanted was for Sadako to live her life like any other young girl, but that wish seemed way out of reach. But no one wanted to accept that, they had hope that Sadako will return back to them. Chizuko unable to control her tears returned back to Sadako's old hospital room. The room was filled with paper cranes hanging from the ceiling, cranes of all colours and sizes. Hope. Chizuko without a second thought grabbed a big stack of paper on the table beside Sadako's bed and ran back to where everyone else was standing. Chizuko cleared her throat, "why don't we make Sadako's wish come true" she said while handing everyone a piece of paper. Masahiro nodded in agreement "356 more cranes, that's not impossible to do. I'll be right back" he said, as he ran out of the hospital not saying a word about where he was headed. Mrs and Mr Sasaki began folding the paper, praying that their daughter will get back to them, alive. Right when they finished making a paper crane they heard footsteps walking towards them. Not one, not two, but a lot of them. Everyone was surprised to see Masahiro who had disappeared to only return back Sadako's classmates, all willing to help them make the rest of the paper cranes. While doctors were all in the room treating Sadako, everyone else sat outside folding paper cranes. Praying for the well being of Sadako, hope and hopelessness in every fold they made. As everyone started handing Masahiro the cranes they've completed, he began hanging each one in Sadako's room. Every crane he put up had drops of tears, and feelings of hope. He knew deep inside that his sister will come back to him. 996... 997...998....999... Dr. Numata came out of the room, everyone stopped what they were doing and look up, waiting for the words they were hoping to hear. "I'm happy to say that everything went well. You have nothing to worry about anymore. In fact Sadako asked for you all, you all can take turns going in". Mrs and Mr Sasaki couldn't believe their ears, their daughter was alive. Chizuko and Masahiro couldn't help but cry in happiness, everyone ran into the room the second the doctor stepped away. There she was, Sadako laying on the bed with a weak smile on her face. No one failed to notice that her smile was still able to light the whole room up. A tear escaped her eyes and ran down her cheek, surprised that everyone was there for her. I would have missed everyone if I had let go she thought. She called Masahiro over and whispered something in his ears, a smile made up to his face. He walked out, into her old room and lifted the pillow. Sadako had asked him to bring something for her, he looked down at his hands and was taken back on what he found. As he entered the room where everyone was seated, Sadako's eyes lit up when she looked up at his hand. In his hands was the last paper crane Sadako made before she closed her eyes. But little did she know that she really did make the last crane, making her wish come true.

Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes -  Happy EndingWhere stories live. Discover now