I walk in with my last bag of stuff. I didnt have much, only my emergency bag with clothes and a box of journals and pictures and some needed documents that I had kept hidden under the backseat of my car. I plop down on the dusty mattress. A sneeze escapes me and I chuckle a bit. I use my jacket as a pillow and I fall asleep.

The next morning I change and do my morning routine. I go the the kitchen where I'm greated by a smiling Dean cooking breakfast. "Morning" Sam says from his spot at the table. "Morning" I say back as I look to see Sam researching on his computer. I look back to Dean "Morning" I greet. "Morning" he repeated back. "You like bacon and eggs?" He asks. "Love em" I respond. He points over to a cabinet already knowing what I'm about to ask. I take out a mug and pour myself some coffee. "Sugars in the jar in front of you and cream is in the fridge" Dean says before I can even ask. "Thanks" I walk to the fridge and cream then walk back over to the counter and add my sugar. I take my place across from Sam and drink my coffee. Dean serves us both breakfast before sitting next to me. I take a bite of bacon and say "you always were a good cook." He smiles and we begin to chow down. Sam looks between me and Dean and just chuckles. We look up in unison "what?" We say. "You two must share a connection with food" we just shrug and continue eating.

After breakfast Sam takes me to a thrift shop to get some cheap stuff to decorate my room with. I didnt mind I liked good quality things at a cheap price just like sam did. We walked around and i picked up a black bed set and a Victorian style lamp that I thought looked nice. I also grabbed two bedside tables that matches the Victorian lamp. I then make my way toward the clothes. I grabbed 10 pairs of denim Jeans 5 black and 5 navy blue. They were all a dollar a pair so I figured I'd take advantage. I grabbed 10 flannels, 4 red, 4 blue and 2 black. They were a dollar each also. I grabbed 5 regular tshirts, 3 black and 2 white, which were a dollar each. I found 3 old band tshirts that I liked so I got them too they were 2 dollars each but they had a 3 tees for 4$ deal. I went back to the furniture section I found a long  pirate chest looking thing that would go perfectly at the end of my bed. I opened it up and saw a that it had a false bottom so you could store things underneath in my case weapons. It was only 10 dollars so I bought it. Finally I found a beautiful Victorian chair that would go perfectly at the end of my desk and a few other decorative things. I paid for my stuff and Sam helped me put everything in and on my car. We drove home slowly to say the least.

When we got home I cleaned my room so that everything was spotless including the floor boards. I threw away the old corkboard and mattress. I took the dest outside so I could clean it up. Then I made a quick trip to the hardware store so i could make a few altercations to my room.

When got back I took the stuff I bought to my room. I went back outside and sanded the desk down. I used my electric sander before I went in and did the detailing by hand. I then stained my desk black and left it to dry. I went back inside and began my work. I ripped out the ratty old carpet and threw it away. I sanded the whir popcorn ceiling so that my room didnt look so tacky. I then cleaned the floor up and started putting the wood flooring in. By the time I was finished it was midnight so I went to the kitchen for some food.

I went into the kitchen and walked to the fridge I pulled out a water bottle and some leftover takeout the boys had gotten me. I ate then walked into the living room and fell asleep on the couch.

The next morning I woke up and went straight back to working on my room. I filled the holes in the walls and painted over the ugly beige color. My room walls were now black because I quite liked the color. I detailed two walls with Victorian patterns and gold paint. I added wall paper on the other two that looked like old photos from the newspaper. I then went outside and cleaned all my brushes and tools off.

I went back inside to find dean making burgers for lunch. Dean had always made the best burgers. I grabbed some food and water and began to eat. "I'm almost done with my room" I declare proudly. Sam sits across from me and makes a funny face. I look at him and smell myself. "I need a shower I know I'll take one after I eat" I said. "How'd you know that's what I was gonna say?" Sam asked. "Because I smell like Dean" I responded. Sam let out a hearty laugh. Dean scowls at the both of us. We quite down and continue eating.

After lunch I went and took a hot shower. I get in and let the water run down my body. The hot water relaxed me. I started to hum  some my chemical romance as I wash my hair. I get out of the shower and dry off. I brush my teeth and hair and put on some deodorant. I grab some clean clothes out of my bag that was sitting on the hamper lid. I left my dirty clothes on the floor and exited the bathroom. I went back to the couch and fell asleep.

The next morning after breakfast I walked back outside to the shed where I was keeping all the stuff I bought from the thrift store the other day. I started to make my bed frame. I made it with victorian details to match all of my other furniture. Once I finished I started to work on the shelf for my shoes that I was gonna put in my mini walk in closet. Once I finished I stained both the dark blackish red color I had stained my desk and left them to dry.

After two hours I asked the boys to help me move the stuff into my room and they happily obliged. After we got my bed frame into the room they looked around in awe. "Dude this is amazing" Sam said. "Yeah dude how did you do all this in three days?" Dean questioned. "Well uncle Roger taught me how to remodel a house and build things after you guys left. He practically made the house into a Dolly Parton shrine and I didnt want that so he helped me fix up my room."

After everything was in my room where I wanted it I walked out to the shed and began to construct a frame for my new corkboard. I sanded and stained it then attached the corkboard. I left the board to dry and went back inside. I set the pirate chest at the end of my bed and took out the false bottom. I put my unconventional weapons in there so if anyone came looking they wouldn't find them. I put the false bottom back In and placed a spare blanket in there to make it look like it was simply holding my extra blankets. I then set my lamp on the bedside table and plugged it in. I took out out the other lamp that I was using because my room has no windows and returned it to Sam.

I walked into my room with my corkboard that I just retrieved from the shed and hung it up above my desk. I set my thumbtacks on my desk below the board. I put all the papers into my desk and closed the drawers. I then put the framed photo of me, mom, dad, dean, and sammy up on my desk.

I went to my closet and put my clothes that I bought away and slid my new work boots that Sam had bought fo me onto the shelf I made. I grabbed the pants I bought and put them on the shelf I made just above the shelf with my shoes on it. I hung up the leather jacket that I used as a pillow. I walked out of my closet and put my sheets on my bed along with my pillow. I set my comforter atop the bed and went back to decorating.

After I was done with my room Dean shouted for me. I walked into the kitchen and saw pizza on the table. Sam threw me a beer and I caught it and sat down. After eating I asked "you wanna see my room now that its completed?" They both nod and we make our way to my room. They each congratulate me and left me to myself. I went to bed and dreamt of my friends that I left after helping with the zombie outbreak.

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