Chapter 10~stop avoiding me!🦋

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- love will tear us apart (by joy division) 💞

{ hello so this is barely getting any views or anything and it probably won't but yeah:/ i'm carrying it on because i am enjoying writing it:)) <3 }


The group have been walking around in pairs for about 35 minutes.

Eddie's pov:
Me and Mike were just walking around looking at the nature and shit like that until he left my side. One minute he was right near me checking out the nature and then the next minute, he's fucking out of sight. I've been looking him for around 5 minutes so i'm going to keep looking, i shouldn't be worrying because i can easily text him but i still am.
End of pov

Bev's pov:
Me, Bill and Stan were all together messing around at this very large tree. It was a perfect tree to climb and i realised that as soon as us 3 all noticed it from afar. Bill and Stan were the first to start climbing it until i joined them, it felt as if we were 10 again but we weren't.. We were 14 but it doesn't matter.
End of pov

Richie's pov:
Me and ben were walking around for a while until we both were clearly getting too bored to just 'walk around'. About 10 minutes ago, we decided to play a game of it. He was up first and found me hiding behind a thick, large tree. God damn my eagerness to talk and yell! But now, it was my turn to find him. We were playing basically hide and seek but after we found each other, we needed to chase them and get them. I've been looking for Ben for around 5 minutes and i honestly can not be bothered to carry on looking. "Ben!" I shouted repeatedly his name but he wasn't replying. "Ben! I'm not playing the game no more haystack!" He still wasn't coming out. Maybe he's lost? Can he even hear me? Fuck. I was wondering around trying to look for Ben still until i heard a faint shout in the far distance. I couldn't quite tell who it was or what they were saying but it definitely wasn't Ben. I decided to follow where the shout was coming from until i could see Eddie. Eddie fucking kaspbrak. He was yelling Mike's name? I really want to go up to him and make sure he's okay from the cinema, from the kiss but i didn't know whether it was the right thing to do. But then, it's just going to be awkward the whole week? I couldn't deal with the voices in the back of my head, i forced myself to run towards the small boy and talk to him. I didn't know whether or not he hated me or wanted to talk but i didn't really care at the time, i just needed to explain myself from what happened in the toilets..
End of pov

Eddie was still looking at all directions trying to see if he could catch sight of Mike until.. He saw Richie in the far distance running towards him. fuck, he thought as his body froze. As the taller boy approached Eddie, there was awkward silence until Richie began to start the conversation. "Uhm, hi eds."
"Eddie. And hi," the boy replied quietly.
"You okay?"
"Yes, why wouldn't i be." Eddie had a pissed off tone in his voice which Richie couldn't understand why. "Just asking, you are sweating like mad."
"I lost Mike but i can just text him."
"Oh, alright," awkwardly Richie said. Eddie and Richie were both looking around them uncomfortably. "Uhm, i gotta go," Eddie quickly added quietly as he began to turn around and walk away. Richie stood silently. what the fuck am i doing? i need to explain my self, Richie thought. "Wait," he quickly said while grabbing hold of Eddie's shoulder and pulling him so they were facing each other. "W-what do you want?" Eddie questioned.
"Why do you hate me?"
"I don't hate you."
"Why are you avoiding me then?"
"Because you kissed me Richie.." Richie instantly let out a nervous sigh before saying anything more. "I fucking know that. But, your my best friend Eds."
"If i'm your best friend then why did you kiss me?!"
"because.." Richie let out a sigh. "Why are you so annoyed at me right now?"
"Because you left me confused for nearly 2 weeks without me knowing why you kissed me!" Their conversation had now turned into a slight argument filled with questions. "You're the one who fucking ignored me and avoided me Eddie! Also you kissed back and we was kissing for basically like half an hour! So if you was so annoyed with me kissing you then why the dick did you kiss back?!" Richie's emotions and feelings and confusion had now fully taken over. All he wanted was answers. Answers to why Eddie got so annoyed even though he kissed back and why he was being so distant until now. "Richie..." Eddie spoke quietly while his cheeks were now covering with red blush.
"No Eddie, answer my question. Explain to me."
"I don't know why ri-"
"Bullshit. Please just tell me!" Eddie was now staring down at his shoes with nothing to show how Eddie felt, until Richie noticed tears filling up in the small boys eyes. "Richie.. i have no clue why i kissed you back and i'm being honest. I was being distant with you and everyone because i needed to think.."
"Think about what?" Richie questioned why interrupting Eddie.
"Think about why i kissed you back, i was confused. I'm a fucking confusing kid with anxiety and i overthink everything!" Tears was now running quickly down the boys red cheeks, the angry tone in his voice had now turned into a sad tone. Richie could tell how emotional the boy was feeling by the look on his face. shit, why am i the one feeling bad? Richie couldn't stop thinking until he saw Eddie's little brown eyes look up to him. "Say something."
"I'm sorry eds, i shouldn't of kissed you. Can we pretend it didn't happen?"
"No dickwad, i can't pretend that my best friend didn't just fully make out with me for half an hour." Silence.. Eddie knew that Richie wasn't going to say anything to that. "Richie, did the kiss mean anything? At least answer that." Richie looked up from biting his nails awkwardly. "If i answer this, can you promise me not to be awkward and to not avoid being near me or talking to me?"
"I promise," Eddie replied with a smile.
"Yes it did.."
"Okay." The two boys were stood in silence until they heard both their phones vibrate at the same time. It was the groupchat..

               (Bill,Bev,Eddie+4 others)

Bill: guys we need to head back
Bill: is everyone okay?
Mike: i've lost richie but i know where i am, not sure about him though
Eddie: he's with me, we'll start heading back
Bev: ohh :0
Ben: eddie, where the fuck did you go?
Eddie: i was looking for you
Eddie: while i was looking for you, i found richie who was looking for mike
Stan: i honestly didn't know it was so hard to stick with who we was supposed to but okay
Bill: complicated.. but okay everyone meet at the camp site
Ben: okay
Mike: ok coolll
Eddie: we are now, see you guys soon
read by Bill,Mike,Ben+2 others

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