10 years later

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Bahja POV
Bahja your on stage in 10 minutes

Me:ok *putting on makeup* hey you must not remember me as you know I'm 18 now yea I'm at a legal age now and I'm on tour with one of my closest friend I would tell you more but I got to perform see ya!!

Manager: ok in 5..4..3..2..1 your on

Bahja: *walks out stage* hey everyone

Crowd: *screaming*

Bahja: I just wanted to let y'all know that my new album is coming out who's ready for that

Crowd: *screams louder*

Bahja: we'll I'm going to sing one of my songs from the album and that's Almost is Never Enough
*starts singing*

Crowd: we love you Bahja!!! *screams*

Bahja: *smiles and starts singing again*

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