Chapter 2- Jovie

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Pain exploded through my head and stomach, instantly waking me up.

"Ouch..." I muttered quietly, putting a hand to my head, attempting to try and stop the pain.

"You're awake!" A deep voice came from beside me. I opened my eyes and was met with a pair of stormy gray ones. The guy had shaggy brown hair and broad shoulders. His toned arms lined with weird black tattoos.

It took me a moment before I could finally get something out and when I did, it was rough, like I hadn't talked in days. "Where am I?" I tried to sit up but it sent bolts of pain through my stomach.

"Don't move yet, it will hurt," he warned.

"Thanks for telling me that before I tried to move," I said sarcastically. He cracked the tiniest of smiles before his face went serious again.

"So?" I asked again, coughing and trying to get my voice back to normal.

"Oh yeah, you are in the Sacramento Institute," he said in a business type manner. "I'm Bentley, do you remember anything, Jovie?" Bentley. So that's his name.

"How do you know my name? And where's my family? All I remember is hitting my head really hard after a demon attacked us. What's the Sacramento Institute?" I blurted out, unable to control all of the questions running through my aching head. Where's Jasper? Where's Bryn and Tristan?

"Got any more questions?" He asked, flashing that small smirk again.

"No, I think that's it for now." I responded, blushing.

"I know your name because your family told me. Your family is here safe, I will get them in a minute, the Sacramento Institute is a place for all Nephilim who need refuge." He answered my questions, back to being formal. For someone who looked around 16, he sure did act like he was a lot older.

"So..this is a place for Shadowhunters?" I asked, unsure.

"Yeah." He said simply.

"Wow, we've been wondering around, homeless, for basically our entire life and there has been refuges like this?!" I asked, suddenly incredibly frustrated. Our lives could've been so different if we knew about this.

"Well, we don't always know.." Bentley quietly responded, "I'm really sorry.."

"Can you just please get my family?" I asked a little embarrassed at my sudden outburst.

"Yeah, I'll be right back." Bentley stood up and walked out of the room. I sighed. What I would give for my family to have a normal life....

By myself for a moment, I took in my surroundings. The room was huge. There were beds lining the walls around me. Next to my bed, there was a glass of water and my small bag with all of my belongings. I looked up at the high arched ceiling and admired the paintings of angels on it.

"Jovie!" A young voice squealed, making me instantly turn my head toward the direction. I knew that voice. Tristan. I smiled and shouted back ignoring how terrible my voice both sounded and felt when I did so. "Tristan!" He finally reached me and wrapped his small, thin, nine-year-old arms around me. I winced at how tight he was squeezing and he loosened his grip. When he pulled away, I ran my hands through his crazy curly hair, happy he was safe.

"Hi Jo." I turned to my brother and instantly smiled. He quickly pulled me into a careful hug.

"Hi, Jaspy," I said, not letting go of him.

"I was so afraid that you weren't gonna get better," he admitted, his voice muffled through my hair.

"You know me, not gonna let a little bump get me," I said finally pulling away from my brother. I looked into his familiar green eyes that mirrored my own. "I do feel like crap though," I said rubbing my stomach.

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