“Good idea!" Gomdori agreed. Kim-Petit laughed at the thought.

“Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!" Branch interrupted, not wanting to get sliced in half. He decided to make a proposition. “Why does Barb get to decide which music gets to be saved? All music should be saved."

The K-Pop Gang and Reggaeton Trolls glanced at each other and reached an agreement.

“Alright, okay," Tresillo said. “I'm listening, Pop Troll."


Poppy sat by a creek, looking at the Pop string in her hands. All she heard was what she wanted to hear, not even listening to her real friends. Branch was right, differences do matter.

Suddenly, she heard footsteps approaching and tucked the string into her hair, ready to face whatever was coming.

“Mommy! Daddy!" a voice called out. Poppy looked up the hill and saw two familiar Trolls approaching. “Mommy!"

“Poppy! There you are!" Hickory sighed in relief.

“Hickory!" Poppy exclaimed, hugging the Country Troll. “It's so good to see you."

“Mommy!" Flower cheered as Poppy held her.

“Are you okay, Flower?" she asked. “You must've been scared to be away from Mommy and Daddy."

“Daddy?" Flower wondered, looking around. Her daddy was gone!

“Where's Branch?" Hickory asked, just as curious.

“We had a fight, he's gone," Poppy answered, causing Flower to gasp. “He's heading back to Pop Village."

“Ah, that's a shame," Hickory said as Flower's eyes watered. Her nightmare came true.

“I'm sorry, Flower," Poppy apologized to her daughter, putting her down. “It was all my fault. I was so desperate to be a good queen, that I stopped listening to anyone but myself. Including my best friend. It's all because of this stupid string!"

Flower looked away sadly as Poppy held out the pink Pop string. Hickory's hazel eyes widened at the sight of the string and looked away nervously. He knew what he had to do.

“Poppy, take Flower and the string and run as fast as you can, you hear me?" he said, his body beginning to shake.

“What?" she asked, confused. “What are you talking about?"

“Trust me, just go," Hickory pleaded as his back legs moved around like crazy. “Now, please! Just go!"

“Hickory, are you alright?" Poppy asked, feeling concerned.

“I'm fine!" he insisted, his body somehow being stretched out like he was made of rubber. “Hey-Hey, now! Stop that!"

Poppy and Flower looked closer to see something squirming in his pants.

Then, a hand popped out! Then, another hand! Hickory's entire body was torn in half! The queen and princess screamed at the sight.

Trolls World Tour (with Flower and Willow)Where stories live. Discover now