[25] new friendships and angel screaming

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Rowena stuck with Alec for a while, helping him take down a horde of Shax demons in Grand Central Station. She had gotten to know the responsible shadowhunter a lot more in the past few hours and was certain that he was perfect for Magnus.

"So, Alec. How are you and Magnus doing?" Rowena asked as they walked back to the Institute.

Alec sighed, "Do we have to talk about this, we're on assignment." He replied.

"We're not on assignment anymore, we've just completed it. Plus, Magnus is like my best friend, I want to know how his relationship is going from his other half." She said, smiling up at the dark-haired man.

Alec smiled, "It's going good, I think."

"You think?"

"I don't really know, I mean, I've never really been in a relationship before. I don't know how it's supposed to go." He blurted out.

Rowena smiled and patted his shoulder, "Stop being so nervous and unsure. Relationships aren't supposed to go a certain way, just be yourself and do what you think is right. You guys are adorable together and you are really great for Magnus. And vice versa, of course. You'll be alright." She said.

"Thanks, Rowena."

Rowena smiled, "Anytime." She said, before getting a text from Clary. She grabbed her phone and opened the message. "Sorry, I have to go, an emergency." She said, putting her phone away.

"No worries, thanks for all your help." Alec said. Rowena jokingly saluted him before sprouting her wings and flying to the Jade Wolf.


Rowena landed in front of the Jade Wolf and retracted her wings, walking to the door and pushing it open. She saw a few werewolves she vaguely recognised and a woman that had runes covering her body. She also had some blood on her shirt, so Rowena guessed she had something to do with the emergency.

"Hey, I'm looking for Clary." She asked the wolves. One of them pointed to the kitchen. "I presume Luke's in there too." The wolf nodded before the kitchen doors opened and Clary came out.

"Thank you for coming." Clary said as she pulled Rowena into a hug, "I have a plan, follow my lead." She whispered so only Rowena could hear. Once she pulled away, Rowena gave her a nod.

"Pretty cold-blooded, turning your sister over to the Clave." Luke's friend said to him, while they looked at the woman, who was apparently Luke's sister. Rowena gathered that they weren't exactly friends.

Luke turned to look at his friend, "Remember that the next time the pack tries to question my authority. Get ready. We leave in five." He said, before walking over to his sister, Clary and Rowena following suit, "It's time." He said to his sister before he turned to Clary, "Kiddo, it'll be okay."

"You believe in what you're doing." Clary said, while Luke walked between the two girls. Once his back was to Clary, she grabbed his taser, "And so do I." She said, tasing him and shouting, "Let's go!"

Luke's sister ran after Clary and Rowena did the same, looking back at Luke. "What the hell was that!" Rowena shouted at Clary while running alongside her.

"I'll explain on the way." She said.


About half an hour later, Clary, Rowena and Cleophas were walking through an alleyway. Clary had explained everything, Cleophas used to work for Valentine but wanted to make amends and Luke thought it was too dangerous, opting to turn Cleophas over to the Clave instead.

"I don't exactly agree with your methods but I'll stand by you, Clary. At the least, I'll be able to stop you from getting yourself killed." Rowena said to Clary after she'd finished her explanation.

Clary smiled and put her hand on Rowena's shoulder, "Thank you."

"You've heard my story, so who exactly are you?" Cleophas asked Rowena.

Rowena sighed, "A four-thousand year old half demon, half-angel. I came across Clary after I escaped from being kidnapped by Valentine and I just stuck with her and her friends, thought I could be of some use."

"Well, it's nice to meet you, properly, Rowena."

"Okay, enough chit-chat, where are we going, exactly?" Clary asked Cleophas.

Cleophas looked around the alleyway as the three continued walking, "We're close." She said, ominously, her eyes darting from one window to the next.

"You realize by going against Valentine, you're risking your life?" Clary asked, Cleophas' eyes moved towards Clary. "He'll never forgive you for this."

Rowena looked around the alley, too, listening out for any pissed off werewolves or circle members coming their way as Cleophas responded to Clary, "I have to make amends."

Suddenly, Clary stopped, dropping to the floor as the sound of screaming drilled into her head. Rowena felt the pain from the sound too, but less so than Clary. Clary clutched her head in her hands and screamed in pain. Rowena squeezed her eyes shut, hoping it would go away but to no avail.

"Clary! What is it? What's wrong?" Cleophas asked as Clary screamed, before Clary kicked Cleophas to the ground, grabbing her throat and hoisting her into the air. Rowena watched the scene in front of her, moving next to Clary.

"What are you doing to me?" Clary yelled at Cleophas.

Cleophas coughed, "Let go." She pleaded.

Rowena stood next to Clary, her hand on her shoulder, "Let go, Clary." She cried over the noise.

"The sound in my head. It's coming from Valentine, isn't it?" Clary asked, her grip on Cleophas getting tighter by the second as Cleophas struggled against her.

"What sound?" Cleophas asked as Clary started to release her hold.

Clary moved away from Cleophas, shutting her eyes every few seconds, "It's getting louder!" She cried over the noise in her head.

"Activate my hearing rune. There." Cleophas said, pointing to the rune on her collarbone. Clary ran her stele over the rune and Cleophas' eyes widened as she heard the screaming too.

Cleophas shook her head in disappointment, "It's not possible."

"What is it? Tell me! What is Valentine doing to us?" Clary yelled.

"It's not Valentine." Cleophas said, looking down at the ground, "It is an Angel."

Confusion spread across Clary's face as she tried to figure out why Valentine would need an angel. "Angel?" She questioned.

"Here on earth. I think he's holding him captive. The Angel is crying out for help." Cleophas said, before looking to the sky, "Valentine... how could you?"

Rowena sighed, her head moving to look at the ground, "He kidnapped me and I escaped so he found a real angel. Congrats, Val." She said, sarcastically.

A/N: Sorry I didn't update last week, I've been feeling really down during quarantine and it gave me serious writer's block but I'm back now. Also, if any of you are feeling down too, you're not alone and it's okay to feel like this or any way, even if you're just bored in quarantine like me. I hope you're all staying safe and sane and if you need to talk to someone my messages are always open :)

Also, thank you guys for 2.6k reads! I mean, it's incredible :)

Luv u xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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