[24] broken rules and morning tea

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Rowena pulled a cup out of her cupboard and boiled the kettle. She was making herself her daily cup of tea. Of course, she could use magic to just make one out of thin air but she enjoyed making it herself. It made her feel more human. Every morning she would put on some good music, make herself a cup of tea and some breakfast by hand and eat while watching crappy television.

Today, however, her breakfast making was interrupted by a knock on the door. She waved her hands and her pyjamas changed into a nice outfit before she answered the door. Once the door opened, a frustrated and confused Jace walked past her and into her apartment.

"The rune Clary used wasn't in the Gray Book but some runes from the book were removed and reserved for elite shadowhunters and she thinks it could be from her mom." Jace explained as he paced Rowena's living room.

Rowena shut the door behind Jace and followed him into the living room, "Good morning, Jace. How are you today? I'm just swell." She said, sarcastically.

"This is serious, Rowena." He said, glaring at her.

Rowena sighed, "I'm not a rune expert, okay. I've never been close to any shadowhunters, well, except you guys, so I don't know much about them." She said, sitting down on her couch. "Wait a second." She continued, after having an epiphany, "I may know someone who does. Leave it with me."

"Thank you." Jace said, before patting Rowena's shoulder and leaving.


"So, any ideas?" Rowena asked. She sat across from Raymond Krause, a warlock who studied demonology.

Raymond thought for a moment, "I've never known a shadowhunter to have that kind of power before. I'm sorry, Rowena. You'll have to find a warlock who knows more about shadowhunters, may I recommend Magnus Bane?"

"Yeah," Rowena started, "I know him, and he's one of the friends I can't tell this to."

Raymond nodded, "Of course. I'm sorry I cannot be of more help." He said, "In other news, how are you? Your powers? Have you had anymore outbursts?" He asked.

"Not entirely, I did almost lose my cool with the head of the New York Institute. Victor Aldertree, a massive dick." She complained.

Raymond nodded, waving his hand and making two martinis appear on the coffee table in front of them, "I completely understand. Shadowhunters can be rather annoying and rude towards us demon-blooded folk." Rowena made a face at him and Raymond continued, "Of course, not all of them."

"Thank you, Raymond." Rowena said, laughing at Raymond's distaste towards shadowhunters, I better get going."

"Of course." He said, standing up and leading Rowena to the door, "But remember if you ever need anything, I'm always here."

"Thank you, Raymond." She said, before flying back to New York.


When Rowena arrived back in New York City, it was the next morning and she knew she had to check up on Clary. She texted her and they decided to meet in front of the Institute. Rowena landed and waited for Clary to come out.

"Roe!" Clary cried. Rowena turned around in the nick of time as Clary tackled her into a hug. "I'm glad you're here."

Rowena smiled and hugged back harder, "I missed you, I mean; I know it's only been like two days but I missed you."

"Where were you? I tried to call you." Clary asked as she released Rowena from their hug.

"Sorry, I was in France." She blurted, forgetting that she hadn't told anyone about the demon blood thing. "To... see an old friend, an old warlock friend... He just lost one of his vampire friends; they'd been friends for hundreds of years, so..."

"It's no problem, I was just curious." Clary confirmed, "Oh, also did you know that the Soul Sword can kill demon-blooded creatures?"

Rowena shook her head, "No, I didn't."

"And, I've been hearing this noise, this pain in my head, but nobody else in the Institute can hear it, maybe I'm just going crazy but... I don't kn-" She said, being cut off and grabbing her head in pain. A few seconds later, Rowena heard a noise too and had a pain in her head. It obviously wasn't as bad as Clary's pain but it was there. "It was that, and you felt it too." Clary said after the pain and noise had stopped.

"Yeah, I've never felt anything like that." Rowena said, looking around her for any sign of something, anything that could have caused the pain.

Clary's phone beeped. She pulled it out of her pocket and the angelic rune was displayed on it, "Sorry, I have to go." She said, putting her phone away again. Clary was about to start walking up the stairs before she had an idea, "Come with me! Whatever it is, I'm sure you'd be a big help. And you can prove that you're not a threat. Please." She begged.

"Clary, you know I'm not allowed in there, as soon as Aldertree knows I'm in there he'll kick me straight out." Rowena said, sadly. "Besides, I wouldn't get past the wards."

Clary sighed, thinking about what she had said, "You could get past the wards, your angel blood masks the demon blood on the sensors, please, Roe."

"I can't. But I'll stay out here, I can hear what's going on inside and if it's something I can help with, I will." Rowena bargained. Clary didn't seem satisfied with her answer but agreed, heading inside the institute.

Rowena stood kicking stones outside the institute, listening to the hustle and bustle inside the Institute. Nothing was that bad until she heard Izzy start to speak, "The Citadel was breached. Magdalena is dead. Cleophas is missing." Rowena recognised the Citadel as the home of the Iron Sisters and nothing like that – that Rowena knew of – had happened there in years.

"Oh, my God. Valentine?" Clary asked.

"Who else could it be?" Izzy replied, before continuing, "Aldertree's heading to Idris to meet with the Council." Rowena thought for a moment before going with her gut and heading inside the Institute. She got past the security easily and reached where Izzy, Alec and Clary were standing.

"What are you doing here?" Alec asked as he saw Rowena approaching them, "If Aldertree finds out you're here-"

"I just heard Izzy say that he's in Idris, right? He doesn't have to know." She retorted, "Anyways, nothing this bad has happened in years, from what I've heard. You're going to need help."

Alec sighed, "Fine." He said, "But this is only because you're like the most powerful being on Earth. I'm going to check ops. Rowena. You're with me, I need to keep you out of trouble." He said.

"Yes, sir." Rowena joked, saluting Alec before following him as he walked away.

"Don't do that."

A/N: Hey guys, I explained last chapter that I mixed up some chapters and uploaded the wrong one under the wrong name so here's the actual chapter 24 which I accidently uploaded as chapter 23. :)

Hope you guys are staying safe and thank you for your continued support!

Luv u xxxxx

ANGEL WINGS - SHADOWHUNTERSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora