"Harry, its fine!" She laughed, "Just come over by seven." I hung up and let out a breath.

"So?" He raised his eyebrows.

"We are going over at seven." i sighed, eating the last of my ice cream with a frown.


I let out a groan as we pulled into their driveway that was decorated for Christmas with a plastic santa on the lawn and reindeer following behind. I recognized Gemma's car and my face lit up.

We both had went home and changed. I changed into a pair of jeans and his green sweater and he was wearing a pair of jeans also and a purple sweater.

I knocked on the door and the door swung open to reveal a kid. He was up to my chest height wise and had an iPhone in hand.

"You are my uncle Harry right?" His high voice asked; he looked older than his age which was eleven.

"Yeah, i am Ethan, its nice to meet you." i held out my hand and he awkwardly took it.

"Haz," Gemma screamed, leaping into my arms. I twirled us around and laughed, setting her down after the sixth time.

"Gem, you remember Louis," i motioned, he waved and she quickly hugged him.
He paused but hugged back, smiling.

"You took good care of him," she giggled, slapping my ass and making me jump.

"Harry?" That voice asked, i looked up to see my mother and my father following behind her. My smile dropped as i saw him and he seemed to notice when his eyes went sad.

"I missed you, son." He attempts to smile.

"I missed you too, Desmond." i lie. That man made my teenage years hell but i was only giving him another chance because of Louis.

"Well, lets go eat shall we." My mother clapped, motioning us towards the dining room.

"You have an amazing home." Louis complimented, looking around as he was sitting down in his chair.

"Thank you dear, you're louis right?" My mom blushed, she loved when people complimented the house because she tries really hard.

"Yes ma'am."

"Well you sure are a looker, especially with those eyes." She said, handing everyone plates. He was blushing and tried to hide it with his plate. I remembered that we had to take them off because i didn't want them to know. I hate seeing him without his ring on.

She had a whole chicken on the table and little bowls of mashed potatoes circling around it; it smelled really good.

"It smells really good." i called out and she thanks me before stuffing her face. I began to eat, almost crying at the taste because its been so long since i've had her meals.

After Louis and I had our third plate we were stuffed, laying back in out seats and unbuckling our belts.

"That was really good, Mrs.Styles." Louis hiccuped, rubbing his stomach in circular motions.

"Honey, call me Anne." she smiled, laying back in her seat like us.

After we all settled down from eating, Louis had looking at his watch to see that it was time for us to go.

"Thank you so much." we both said and gave my mom hugs. I awkwardly walked over to my dad and he seemed alright that i was with Louis and that him and I could rebuild that relationship we once had a long time ago.

"Bye," i hugged him and he happily wrapped his arms around my back, doing the same.

"Bye son."


"They seem nice." Louis smiled, taking off his coat and putting it on the chair as he walked into the apartment.

"Yeah," i sighed, laying down on the couch. After Gemma, Louis, and I hung out for a little while, we went our separate ways and went home.

I pulled out my ring from my pocket and slipped it onto my finger. i held it up to my face and wiggled my fingers, smiling at the engraving again.

"You know we are on our honeymoon now." i winked, pulling him closer to me as he sits down on the couch.

"I have work tomorrow," he mumbled, closing his eyes as my hand rubbed against his crotch.

"You could go to bed early. Just spend a little time with me." i brought my lips to his neck and kissed his his hot skin, sucking harshly. He tilted his head for more access and i traced my tongue around my mark. I pulled back and gawked at the large purple circle on his neck.

"Harry," his eyes were full of lust but there was a knock at the door. We both groaned and he got up to open it only for Luke to run inside, jumping onto my lap.

"Daddy!" he squealed, jumping in my grasp.

"Hi, Lukey," i giggled, hugging him tightly. Louis thanked my parents since they were watching him and they left shortly after that.

"C'mon, lets go put you to bed." i held him on my waist and carried him to his room. i tucked him in and kissed his forehead before leaving him. Louis was already in bed all comfy and i was still doing my nightly things. I plopped down next to him and smiled as we were both looked at the ceiling.

"Im glad you are with me, Harry." He entwined our fingers and looked at me with love in his eyes. i met his eye contact, "Me too." i kissed his nose.

I turned around, cuddling into his side. He wrapped his arm around my waist and everything just felt so right.

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