Chapter Seven

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Wattpad made the previous chapter private because of the content. So, lucky you, you get two chapters in one night so I could let you guys know you there's two chapters tonight! Be glad I'm ahead on the editing curve. :p So, go read chapter six and then progress to this one. Love you all!

*In order to read chapter six, the story must be on your reading list and you have to be a follower. You can always follow me, read the chapter, then unfollow. I won't mind.
*Some people are still having issues with this. I've had a few readers tell me they were able to access it through the drop down menu.

Chapter Seven

"I can't believe you actually signed up for this."

I rolled my eyes and finished putting on my eyeliner. "I need a night out. Isn't that what you've been saying?"

"For years, yes. But I never imagined you'd willingly go barhopping."

"We used to do it all the time."

"When we were younger and had weaker constitutions!"

I smiled at her using the mirror. "Your constitution is still weak, Sterling. I don't know what planet you're living on."

"Probably the same planet you are: Denial."

"It's a great place to be, don't you think?"

"I still can't believe you were in the same room as Grady Sinclair and nothing exploded."

I broke eye contact and started fiddling with my lip balm. "Hush is still an ass."

"Hush will always be an ass and don't even try to change the subject. Grady Sinclair. You didn't give me many details this morning. Spill."

"There's not much detail to it."

"How did you feel? How did he feel? How did he look?-"

"He looked like Grady Sinclair only older."

"You know what I mean." She took a hold of my arms and turned me to face her. "Hey. Look at me." I looked her right in the eyes and she grimaced. "You have that dead expression again. What happened?"

"I told you what happened."


"Nothing happened." Even though I'd learned not to let it happen, my eyes started to prickle and tears flowed in. "Nothing. A big. Fat. Nothing."

She paled. "Oh god."

"I was right. Everyone else was wrong."


"I'm going out and I'm going to drink. I don't care if it means I have a weak constitution or I'm existing on Planet Denial. I like it. It makes me borderline happy and if I want to placate this hole in my soul with a little bit of alcohol, I will. Because I'm an adult and I make my own decisions. And I'm choosing alcohol."

She took a second to process my little speech then nodded. "Alright then. Abundance of alcohol it is. I'll be the DD."

"Pff. Girl, that's what a taxi is for."

The first bar was just off campus. Seriously, you're on campus, you cross a street and bam. There's the bar. Before we were even allowed off campus, we were given nametags and a set of rules. We were adults but we were to conduct ourselves in a manner best befitting a university representative.

Which meant: don't take your clothes off and go streaking down the street.

Another rule pertained to splitting from the group. If we wanted to go do our own thing, that was fine. As long as we informed one of the many university-appointed "guides" who were accompanying us.

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