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I will be strong in the love of my Goddess,

I will be strong in the arms of my God.

I have loved and lost a son,

Who will never be dead in my heart.

Can love be what give Mothers the strength of Elephants,

Can caring show them how to move mountains?

I have loved and lost a child,

Whom I feel I was not strong enough for.

Michael was my angel and son,

Michael was not really mine at all.

For his life was just a wish and a dream to me,

For I was called unfit as a Mother.

When taken by court's rule; he was four,

The second time his father would not let him stay; he was twelve.

The third time was by his own hand; he was twenty-three.

And so I died a little each time, and still feel I have failed him.

So today is the day he died four years ago,

And I must find the strength each and every day to go on.

In the loving arms of my Goddess and God,

I find him there saying; Life must continue, so I must be strong.



It has been ten years since I wrote those word,

And it still brings tears to my eyes when those words are read.

I have survived with the strength of my beliefs,

And I have been strong to continue on.

He was so proud of my accomplishments,

He showed me his pride when I returned for my High School diploma.

I dreamed he would be at my graduation,

But this was not meant to be.

So I will continue to believe he is in the arms of Love,

And I will continue to write, and not feel I have failed him.

Michael Ian Russell was my son;

Born March 13, 1974 and Died August 31, 1997.

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