One: Surprise Surprise!

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"Bear!" A happy voice called out as a face showed on the camera, a smile lighting up Beck's face

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"Bear!" A happy voice called out as a face showed on the camera, a smile lighting up Beck's face. "I miss you so much!"

"I miss you too, Cub." Adonis giggled happily as Beck leaned against some lockers, a content smile on his face. "Did you eat today?"

"Uh huh! I had waffles, eggs, and bacon!"

"Hey Donni." Jade greeted as she opened her locker.

"Hi Lyn!" Adonis said as he waved at the camera, gasping as he remembered something. "I've gotta go! I've got a surprise for you guys!"

"Alright, love you Cub."

"Love you too Bear!" Adonis hung up and Jade smirked, knowing what the surprise was. See, Adonis had gone on his parent's tour a couple of months ago and he got back yesterday, Beck being the only one unaware of that since he was the one Adonis wanted to surprise.

"Long distance seems to be hitting you hard." Jade teased as she closed her locker.

"I'd say I'm holding up pretty good." Beck said as he pat Jade's shoulder, walking away. "See you in class!"


A few minutes later the bell rang and Tori walked into the classroom, Sikowitz crawling in through the window.

"Tori! You're back! Have you ever thought about coming in through the window?" The wacky teacher asked, making Tori look at him in confusion.


"Think about it. Now sit, sit." Tori took her seat. "Today we're going to do some alphabetical improv. 'What is alphabetical improv?' you ask, so I answer. It's when we give a letter to the first actor who speaks in the scene. If we use the letter 'a' for example, the actor might say something like..."

"Apples are falling out of my butt." Beck said after he was pointed to.

"Lovely. Now the next actor who speaks must start his line with the next letter, in this case 'b', so he might say..." Sikowitz pointed at Andre next.

"Bring those apples, so that we may all enjoy the fresh fruit from Beck's butt."

"Charming. Now, who wants to lead the first group?"

"I do!" Tori said as she walked towards the stage.

"Alright Tori, choose your actors."

"Andre, Cat, Beck, and Jade." She listed, making Jade look around with her eyebrows raised. "Yeah, you."

"Okay, if you start your line with the wrong're out! Robbie!" Sikowitz turned and pointed at Robbie. "Give us a letter!"

"P!" Rex called out, making Robbie whine.

"Okay, the scene can be about anything you want. The first letter is 'p'. Tori, action!"

"Please go take a shower." Tori said as she turned to Jade with a sarcastic smile on her face.

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