^Day One^

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-3rd person POV.-

Meliodas had has his eyes open for awhile now. He could smell the heat from outside on this one beautiful summer day. Usually summer days were for relaxing and chilling, but for Meliodas, it was different. It was mating season, that always crept up on him.

No one knew when it started, or why, but all the demons knew it would come sooner or later. Meliodas knew straight away when his scent became stronger, hearing abilities way better, and eye sight amazing. They never slept, nor ate until they have found their instincts later in the season.

Getting up from the comfy bed his princess laid in, Meliodas had walked towards the wardrobe to get dressed. The sound slowly stirred Elizabeth awake.

"Sir Meliodas?" Elizabeth asked in a tired tone. Meliodas have her his normal cheeky grin, soon hopping back on the bed.

He placed his hands right on her boobs.

"Mornin Ellie~" Meliodas chuckles, feeling Elizabeth's body temperature rise, and a beetroot red plastered her face. Meliodas soon was kicked off by Hawk, who happened to walk by.

"Oh god. I forgot to tie you up! " He growler, before stepping on the Meliodas rug on the floor. "Elizabeth, did he do anything?!" Elizabeth blushed, before slowly nodding her head no.


The rest of the sins could hear Hawk from a mile away. They all knew what was happening. Ban grinned his toothy grin as always.

Hawk jumped up and down on the Meliodas rug over and over. "LEAVE HER ALONE YOU BIG FAT PERVERT!! BE NORMAL!" He screams, soon one of the sins comes to pull Hawk away from Meliodas. Meliodas dripped his head, pouting that Elizabeth didn't come to his rescue.

"I-I"m sorry Sir meliodas, here, let me help you.." She said, getting up to hug him. Meliodas grinned, face planting into her breasts. "Thanks a lot Ellie!!" He said, muffled from his face stuck in her.

Time skip brought to you by Me: and me being lazy.

Everyone had already been down stairs, King and Diane talking as usual, Escanor, Merlin, and Gowther talking about who know what, And finally, Ban and Meliodas who were screaming about a drinking contest.

Elizabeth sighed, coming downstairs in a different uniform than normal. Right away, Hawk was at her feet protecting her from Meliodas. "Hawk, I-I think I'll be o-okay today.." Elizabeth stammered, looking into the bar. "Hey, what's that smell.?"

Everyone suddenly stopped, and sniffed the air. It was a sour sweet smell, stronger near Ban and Meliodas. They all sniffed but Merlin and Escanor. "Hey Capn~ looks like you got an audience~" Ban announced as they were all standing around him.
Meliodas looked at them confused, before realizing they also smelled the scent.

-Meliodas's Pov.-
Great. Now they also smell it and might wonder what it is about. And talk about intruders-

Meliodas scoffed under his breath when suddenly Diane picked him up by his shirt.
"D-Diane!!" Elizabeth screeches, tugging at her to let the captain down. "What's this smell you suddenly brought on?" She asked. By now, everyone else lost interest to the captain.

"Uh I dunno, maybe new bathing thing?" I asked the question to her this time. "And besides, how did you instantly know what I smelled like?" I sneered. Diane rolled her eyes.

"Captain." Merlin stonily spoke. Her eyes goitered. Even giving be chills. "I need to speak to you."

Shhh I know this is bad I just hope to brighten someone's day. :(

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