I hurried upstairs and got into the bathroom. I took at least 10 minutes to wash my hair and got out of the shower. I was walking towards my room when I saw Laf standing there. He immediately saw me and blushed. Shit!

Lafayette's POV:

This whole phone thing is confusing. I don't understand how so many things could be done on such a small device. Wait, the screen went black. I went upstairs to ask Alexis a question when I found her in her towel. I felt my face go red, "Désolé!J'avais besoin de poseur une question mais peu importe." I know she probably didn't understand French so I scrambled downstairs, my face still feeling hot. 

"Ooh, Laf's blushing! I wonder why." Herc slurred. Oh merde, they can't know what happened. I don't know what to say, though. "Umm, no reason." I quickly sat down and waited for Alexis to return.She came downstairs with a big shirt that read, "Brown University". Maybe it's a college or something. She looked at me. Oh goodness I'm dead. "Lexi, I need help with my phone. The screen went black." She came over and explained it was turned off. That makes sense

Alexis's POV:

I can't believe Lafayette saw me in a towel, he is so innocent. He wouldn't hurt a fly. I gave the others instructions on how to use their phones and to only call me in case of an emergency. I basically lived downstairs now that the girls have my room. That meant all my clothes were now downstairs. I picked up my phone and asked Maiya to get some clothes for the girls and gave her my credit card. After about an hour of going through the gang's Snapchat stories, I finally heard a knock on the door. It must be Maiya. I opened the door and there she was. She ran inside and placed the clothes down, "I can't stay because my parents need me. See you later girlie!" "Bye!"

I slept for at least 3 or 4 more hours. I woke up to at least 20 notifications from Snapchat and Messages. 3 messages from Lafayette, 4 snaps from Hamilton, one from Peggy, and a gazillion from George. Ugh. I opened messages and what Lafayette said made me almost choke on my own spit.

Laf: Mon amie are you awake?

Laf: I'm sorry I walked in on you like that 🥺

Laf: you looked nice though 😏

I can't believe he said that! I ran upstairs and practically busted the door down, "MARIE-JOSEPH PAUL YVES ROCH GILBERT DU MOTIER, MARQUIS DE LA FAYETTE WHY IN THE HELL DID YOU TEXT ME THAT?!" I found a flustered Lafayette on the floor and Herc, John, and Alex laughing their asses of. I saw Herc holding Laf's phone, " Lexi I'm sorry. These idiots forced me to tell them about what happened this morning and Herc texted you the last sentence. I really didn't mean to tell them." He looked so sorry, "It's ok Laf. I forgive you. Hercules fucking Mulligan so help me I will smite the hell out of you if you do this again." Everyone went silent and Herc handed Laf his phone back. They don't even know, do they? Probably not. I headed back downstairs and got the bags of clothes, then headed back upstairs and knocked on the door. Angie opened it, "Hey! Here's some more clothes for you guys." She took the bag, "Thank you so much. I heard what went on this morning. Are you alright?" "Yeah I'm fine." She nodded and closed the door. And I hear the door lock. As I was passing by the room, I heard whispering from one of the rooms. It was the one Jefferson and Reynolds were in. "She would look better with the towel off." I recognized the voice and busted the door open. This time everyone heard it. "JEFFERSON I ALREADY HAVE SHIT TO DEAL WITH AND NOW THIS? GUYS ARE A BUNCH OF PERVS! Except for everyone else, you, Reynolds and Hercules are the most IMMATURE PEOPLE I'VE EVER MET! CONTROL YOURSELVES!" The girls came running and Angie bitch slapped Jefferson so hard the sound rang through the whole house. "DAMN!" The boys shouted. Jefferson's face was red as a tomato. Angie is like Heather Chandler and Janice mixed together without the bitchy attitude. The girls kept on ranting until Herc and Laf ran into the hallway and saw Jefferson's face. "Oh shit! She got you, huh!" Herc yelled. Lafayette was laughing his ass off. This whole situation was messy so I just left and Washington soon put everyone in their place. 

It turns out having a bunch of old people from the 1800's isn't so much fun after all. I got a few minutes of sleep before I heard footsteps. I woke up to see Theodosia, Philip and Peggy. "Hey, what's going on?" I sat up and the three of them sat next to me. "We're really sorry for those guys. They can get out of control sometimes." Peggy apologized. "No need to apologize. I always have a rape whistle just in case." Theodosia and Peggy looked confused, "What is that?" Theodosia asked, "Oh, um that's a thing that you blow whenever someone is trying to rape you or someone. I have it taped to my arm just in case, which is why I always wear sweaters with long sleeves so people don't expect it." "Oh cool! I wish I had one." I need to get one for each of the girls. Self-reminder. "Don't worry I'll get you guys a whistle for each one of you. The boys don't need it, though." "Well John and Alex...." Peggy looked like she knew something. So that's why I heard moaning from their room. "Group hug!" Philip shouted, and all of us came in for a big hug. "Good night guys." And with that they all headed upstairs. 

These guys are a handful.

I drifted to sleep as soon as I closed my eyes. 

~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip to 3am~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I felt a cold pair of hands touch me. Who is that?! I opened my eyes to see a poof  of hair, similar to a bun. I looked closer and saw Lafayette hugging me. I'll let him sleep here. After about an hour, I went to the bathroom and closed the door. I just looked at myself and started talking to myself. "I'm going to hell. My parents already kicked me out because of this. Well I have a great house, but no one in my family likes me. I'll die alone. I'll just be bi-myself. I  snickered and headed back to the couch. Well, at least someone cares about me. I stared at the man on my couch and laid down. Tomorrow was gonna be a long day. Wait my pills. I forgot! 

Third Person:

As a child, Alexis was abused by her father and mother. Everyday. Her uncle used to come to her house and always get drunk with her dad. After they drank, they would both verbally abuse her and her uncle would verbally and sexually harass her. This continued until the age of 15, when she attempted to commit suicide. She failed and ended up in the hospital for two months, being on antidepressant medication and PTSD medications. She still gets flashbacks of her father and her uncle whenever any man gets close to her. She came out to her parents and they ended up kicking her out. But her friend Maiya took her in. She graduated high school and went to Brown University, an Ivy League college. She graduated with a Doctorate and a degree in music. She still has breakdowns but takes her medication. She is very overprotective of herself and young girls because they remind her of herself. So she signed up for the FBI and works as an undercover spy, under the fake name of "Makaia Ledger." She has been almost everywhere in the world. Now she has to take a pause to care for these 200 year old people. She still hopes that the girls and every abused kids are doing okay.


Author's Note

Alright this is bad. I love Hamilton. I love Lin. I am a weird girl, mkay. I have nothing to do with the virus out and everyone staying inside. So this is just what I do when I get bored. I'll try making one or two chapters a day. My school is killing me though.

Okay bye!

Word Count: 2481 words

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