15. Wrong choices

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You looked at the man and looked back at everyone in the room, and mumbled

"I'm sorry..." 

You ran in the room that they were in and booked it for the door that leads into the hallway. You quickly threw your pocket knife to the girl and the man was right on your heels as you made it into the hallway. You ran to the cloth shop. The bell rang and a brown-haired boy looked at you. He twitched uncomfortably and looked back with a sigh.

"Another customer...Alice!"

He said...he had said a phrase like that before...why were you running? You looked around and seen a girl with hazel eyes walk out from the backroom. You smiled politely and she walked you over to the selection of cloth. You chose all the cloth you needed...or that you could carry and you dropped it onto the counter. The girl smiled and rung you up.

"Did you have trouble finding anything?"

She asked politetly as she tapped on the register. You smiled and shook your head, she nodded in response.

"Your total will be 34 dollars and ninety-one sense." She looks over at you as you handed her the money. The boy walks from the backroom with a bag and puts the cloth in the bag. He then hands you the bag as he twitches.

"Have a nice day!" They say in unison, making you giggle and thank them again.

 You walk out and look at all the money you have left. You then look at the doll shop...weren't you there a few seconds ago? You stop on the sidewalk and think. Weren't...you were there right? You remeber the shelf you were on in that...dream? But what about a few seconds ago. You shrug off the feeling as you begin to walk to the doll shop window and look at the dolls on display. Two look awfully familiar, life sized dolls...oh yeah! the girl and the boy at the circus..they must be pretty popular. A feeling of uncomfortableness washes over you as you feel like your being watched, but there's no one in sight. You look at the two dolls who are...staring at you. You step back and start to walk to the library. You see a man in there who is looking at books, three bookshelves tall. Oddly familiar detail. He looks at you and you begin to walk out the library. Then you sprint back home, not looking back in fear of what you'll see behind you. You get to your door and knock. Daniel opens the door and smiles.

"Look, it's-"

He's cut off by you abruptley hugging him. He smiles and pats your shoulder, obviously confused. He reaches for the door knob and closes it behind him. 

You didn't get much sleep that night, but when you woke up the knews on the television frightened you. The three performers had gone missing along with the girl and boy at the cloth shop. Daniel looked frightened at the news and Rosetta sighed sadly. Something was off...again, the feeling came back and oozed from your heart with no stop.

"Daniel, can we go to the cloth shop."

"It's...it's closed."

"sneak in."

Daniel and Rosetta looked shocked. Then they looked over at each other and shrugged.


Isolated | Laughing Jack x Living Doll!ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora