Homecoming Take 2 (Peter Parker)

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Peter and you have been dating for 4 months now. Homecoming for junior year was in two months and you were excited. You knew Peter was Spider-man, because that is how you guys met.

*5 Months ago*

You were walking home from school while someone tried to rob you. Peter runs in (not as Spider-man) and tells him to stop. The robber already had your purse and ran. Peter had no other choice but to web him to the ground and grab your purse.


Peter took you on the roof of his apartment building to go stargazing. He had a little set up with blankets and pillows.

"Sit down I will be right back, and don't look at the building in front of you, until I say so," he says while running down the stairs. You do what he says and turn around. 5 minutes late he comes running up. "Turn around," he says out of breath yet smiling.

You turn around to see the building said 'HOMECOMING?' on it. You turn around back at Peter, "Yes, of course." You pull him into a passionate kiss. He breaks it and starts to ramble, "Ok so what are you going to do with your dress? Because I heard I have to get a matching tie? Oh and what about a corsage and everything else?"

"Ok first of all breath," you say while he takes a deep breath. "Second of all, I already told May what color my dress is and she is going to get a tie to match. You have to pick a corsage though, so have fun with that." His eyes widened and you could tell he was nervous. "Don't worry, I'm sure May will help."

*Two Months Later*

You get ready for homecoming. You did your makeup and put on the beautiful dress you picked out. (you can choose a different one, if you don't like the pictures)

You hear a knock on the door of your apartment. It was Peter in a nice suit, with a maroon tie. He looks at you up and down. "Y/n, y-you look beautiful," he says in awe.

"Why thank you sir. You don't look so bad yourself," he walks in and gives you a hug. "Uh, Aunt May helped me pick out the corsage. I hope you like it," he says.

"It's gorgeous Peter, thank you," you kiss him on the cheek then say, "Come on let's go get Ned and MJ." You Peter, MJ and Ned all decided to go together to Homecoming. Peter walks you out of the apartment building as you see a limo parked on the side.

"Peter, how did you get a limo? This is amazing!" you say in such excitement. "Mr. Stark let me borrow it for tonight."

You pick up Ned and MJ then head to Midtown. You all walked in and the gym was decorated with streamers and balloons everywhere. The four of you were all dancing on the dance floor to Ariana Grande until the song ended. A slow song came on while Peter walked up to you, holding out his hand, "May I have this dance?"

"Why of course," you grab his hand and start to dance. 30 seconds into the dance, a black winged person comes flying in and grabs you. "Hello, Peter. Since you ruined last year's homecoming for Liz. I'm going to ruin yours," he says. He flies you back out of the gym and into a dark place. You have no idea where you are.

The guy ties you up to a chair. "Who are you?" you ask to figure. "Well, if I say that, now it wouldn't be as much fun as it should be."

Peter's POV

The vulture takes y/n away and everyone was staring at me. I ran over to Ned. "I have to go, you know, be Spider-man. I need you to go and see if you can track y/n down."

Ned looks annoyed, "Peter we did this last year, and I said I was watching porn to save your butt." I look at him begging him, "Come on, you're the guy in the chair." He finally agrees and I go to get my suit.

"She is in an abandoned bowling alley on Jefferson street," Ned said. "Geez, that was quick."

I go to the abandoned building seeing y/n tied up, with the Vulture next to her with one of those alien weapons. I go on the roof and find a vent right over them. I pulled it up as silently as I could. I can hear what they are saying.

"Why am I even here? I don't know who the hell you are," y/n says.

"Well sweets, I don't know you either, but I do know that you know Spider-man. I mean obviously, you're dating him. I need to get back at Spidey-boy for putting me in jail, for unreasonable reasons," he says walking around her.

"Well, I'm sure if you are willing to kidnap someone, it's a good reason," y/n replys. Y/n is good in pressured situations, and she knew I was going to be there. "Well, since last year, he ditched his date to get me, I will put you in a ditch. Isn't that ironic," he says while chuckling. He stands in front of y/n with one of those alien weapons things, "Hold still, this will hurt."

I web his weapon and jump down from the vent behind him. "Well, I'm sure blasting this is more fun than prison but that's where you're going," I say. I web his wings to the floor, then his feet so he couldn't move. Ned called 911 and the police arrived. I hurry up and untie y/n and get her out of there.

I swing her a couple buildings over while holding her in my arms. We got to the building and I took off my mask. "Holy crap y/n. Are you okay? I'm so so sorry," I say while pulling her into a hug.

"Peter, I'm fine. I knew you were going to save me. My hero," y/n says and pulls me into a kiss.

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