Chapter 11 ♛ Hold Me

Start from the beginning

I shook my head, "I hate that kid so much." I immediately broke down while wrapping my arms around him.

"Atmosphere, you don't mean that." He sighed, gently rubbing my back.

"I do though." I mumbled into his chest.

"Come on." He slowly guided me over to his couch, "So, what happened?" He asked as we both took a seat.

"I was just expressing to him how I felt about the trip they were going on tonight and he got upset with me." I choked, "He also brought up that stupid promise I broke."  I added the main reason why I was upset, my eyes meeting his.

A deep sigh left his mouth, "He's still on that, isn't he?" He asked which caused me to nod my head.

"It isn't fair, Jake." I cried out, "Everyone saw how he treated me in the beginning and no one cared, but only you. And for some reason, I guess everyone thinks that I'm a shitty person, because of that stupid kiss."

"No one thinks that, Atmosphere." He sighed, shaking his head.

"Yes they do, Jake." I continued to cry, "If they didn't think that then they wouldn't have brought it up. He wouldn't have brought it up either."

"I don't even know what to say." He groaned out from the frustration of his close friends treating his best friend, "Everyone has just been acting different lately and I can't pinpoint the reason why."

"I feel like everyone is on edge, but no one wants to be honest about it." I whispered, "Like for fucks sake, lately Sam and Colby have been putting themselves in the worst positions ever for their videos and it's not only affecting them, but everyone around them as well.

"I agree with you on that, but you know how hard-headed they are." He sighed.

"I know." I sighed as well, "Like look what just happened between Colby and I."

"Just wait, he will eventually come around and you guys will be okay again." He reassured me.

"But a part of me doesn't want that." I admitted something that I have been holding onto for a while now.

He eyed me, "Where is this coming from?" He asked.

"Something inside of me just wants to leave..."

"Atmosphere, you are not going to just disappear on us again, because this isn't how you go about with things." He said, "You both need some space and time to think things out. We all do."

"Okay." I whispered, not having the energy to go back and forth with him about my true feelings.

"Now, let's go do something that will help get your mind off of things." He offered up a great idea.

"Like what?"

"We could go to the mall." He suggested, but I rolled my eyes at that idea.

"I hate the mall." I mumbled, "And you know that too."

"What don't you hate?" He chuckled as he shook his head at me.

"You." I whispered, causing a warm smile to appear on his face.

"That was a smart answer." He chuckled again before extending his arm out for me, "Lets go, buddy." He breathed and I gladly took his hand.

"Okay, buddy." I smiled.

We made our way down the flight of stairs and out of the building. I noticed right away that Colby's car was gone from his parking spot, causing a frown to appear on my face. I regretted the way we left things before he left, but hopefully he'll be home tonight so we could talk things out.

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