Chapter 8 (Bitter mellon and smelly tangelo

Start from the beginning

"Why?" Xiao Zan asks me.

I turned around and winked at Mrs Lam

"I will eat outside in the pool, at least there it is not smelly and the sandwich does not taste bitter". Both of us laughs again. I think Mrs Lam is getting influence by me because she gave me a thumb up which Xiao Zan looks at us confusedly.

"What is smelly and bitter" Xiao Zan uses his nose to sniff a few times and trying to put his hand on my sandwich wanting to taste it.

"Is the sandwich bad, it is rotten, that why it is smelly. Did you put bitter stuff in your sandwich, er" Xiao Zan looks at me worryingly.

"The bitterness and smelliness is in the air, not in the food. My sandwich made by Mrs Lam taste wonderful". Then another round of laughter between us echo in the kitchen area.

I could see the frustration on Xiao Zan's face but I somehow love it that way. I felt like whenever I see Ziyi, my heart feels uneasy, which I could not explain why. That bitchy woman make me boils.

I slipped off the high stool at the kitchen, took my sandwich, mouth thank you to Mrs Lam and walks with wide steps towards the door of the kitchen and make my way to the quiet and tranquil pool without even turning my head back.

The pool water in the pool looks so quiet and peaceful. It gives the vibe of calmness, I just needed that at the movement. I took out my shoes and sit at the edge of the pool and dip my feet into the cold water.

My brain took me back into my memory lane. I remembered our pool in the Wang mansion. It is about the same size of this pool but it is surrounded by potted plants with flowers. I remembered my dad teaching me how to swim at 8 years old.

"Bo, your arm needs to cut sharply into the water, then you can push more water back and your body can glide through it faster" I follows every of his instruction and I ended up in the swimming team of my elementary school. Later, I won a gold medal. I have always been sporty.

I also remembered my brother Hai Kuan jumping on my small back and tickling me, making me screams and splashes the water onto him angrily. Mum would just sit at the corner of comfortable sundeck chair with her expensive sunglasses and big sun hat and laughs at us.

Without realising, my tears already flowing slowly down. The image of the happy family makes me miss them so much especially my mommy. I starts to cry a little more and I feels my shoulder shaking slightly high and low. I tried to control myself or I will be in a mess crying like a baby. My tears drop has flow down the bridge of my nose and through my mouth onto the sandwich. I could see a drop of wetness on my bread. My bread will has some saltiness then.

I love my family very much. I never have any doubts of their love. What I cannot understand is why they gave me away so easily to another man. Worst, someone already has a girlfriend and a self-proclaimed future Mrs Xiao. Why didn't my parents investigate more and find out more about Xiao Zan. Am I not worthy that they just gives me away like this.

Also, why is Xiao Zan sometimes seems so concern about me. When he already has a girlfriend. Does he even likes me if I marry him. I am a guy. My mind wonder more and more, I got so sad that I just took my feet off the pool, put my plate on the side. I pull my feet towards my chest and resting my head in between it. I sob silently because I cannot control my heartbreak and I don't want anyone to see me in this situation.

While I was drowning in my swallow, I sensed someone sitting beside me. I immediately raised my head up. I saw a soft and concerning pair of eyes looking at me. Of course, I recognize it. It is Xiao Zan. What I do not know is that he has been observing me from the glass window of the dining area without me knowing.

"Are you alright, Bodie" He asks softly. I tried to wipe my face with my hand. I hate it when he saw me so vulnerable. I don't want his pity and I immediately stand up and put on my sweetest smile despite my tears flooded face.

"Yes, I need to go. I need to prepare for the competition tonight". As, I turn to pick up my plate of sandwich. I could sense the bitterness in the voice of the lady. Ms Ziyi.

"Zan, why did you ditch me and sitting out here. What competition tonight?" Ziyi asks non-stop.

I had enough of seeing them. I just walk out of the pool area even though I think I heard Xiao Zan voice

"See you tonight, take care"

I thought to myself, What a smelly Tangelo, pretending to be nice to me.


No proof read. Sorry.

I hope you enjoy this one.

The Crazy Housekeeper (Yizhan, Zhanyi) COMPLETED ComedyWhere stories live. Discover now