Chapter 12

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Nobody but Harry and Ginny know about the baby and they want to keep it that way until Harry's birthday.

Everyone was getting ready for Harry's birthday.

"How does it feel to be turning 18 tomorrow" Ginny said as she and Harry walked through a field because Harry had a surprise.

"I don't know" Harry said and without thinking asked " how did you feel when you turned 18?"

Ginny froze as memories of her 18th birthday came back to her.


Ginny was getting ready in her room for her big reveal for her 18th birthday. She has been waiting for this day ever since she attended her first 18th birthday party when she was 12.

She just entered the party gasps were heard and some tears were shed from her mother. This was it, her only dream had come true, but her dream soon became a nightmare.

Out of nowhere drastically pale figures stepped out of the shadows, they looked around until they saw where all the Weasley were and attacked. A tall blond haired girl came after Ginny, Ginny tried to run but that just made her angrier, as soon as she got a good grip on Ginny she fed Ginny some of her blood and snapped her neck. They all vanished once each Weasley was dead on the floor. But they weren't going to be dead for much longer.

Once Ginny awoke her family were sitting up.

"What happened?" Ginny asked as her father help her up.

"I don't know" Arthur said looking around the room until he saw one more of the pale figures.

"What do you want" Arthur said.

" I am here to deliver a message" the man said.

"If you want to survive then you have to drink human blood so you can complete the transformation" he said and just vanished.

**End of flashback**

"I felt like my whole life was taken from me" Ginny said, she let go of Harry's hand and walked on leaving Harry.

Harry had no clue to why Ginny was being like this but her just took a guess and hoped it was right.

"Gin wait" Harry shouted, Ginny stopped but didn't turn around.

"Did you get turned on you'r 18th birthday?" Harry said trending lightly so not to anger or upset her.

Ginny turned around and this was a rare sight for Harry, Ginny had tears running down her cheeks. Ginny nodded lightly.

Harry had an idea but kept it to himself and made a mental not to consult Molly and Arthur about it.

"After that day I knew I wouldn't age that meant nobody would love me because I would be a freak, I wouldn't get a boyfriend, or a fiancé and I would be alone my whole life. When I found you and even when I told you I was a vampire you still loved me, I knew I had to hold on to you forever" Ginny said while tears continued to flow down her cheeks.

"Gin, you are not a freak. Any man would be lucky to have you, your smart, kind, you make me feel so happy, every time you smile it make my day because then I know you are happy. I don't know why you choose me but I know that we are meant to be" Harry did then got down on one knee and revealed a black velvet case, he opened it to reveal the most beautiful ring she had ever seen. "You mean the whole world to me so, will you, Ginevra Molly Weasley, make me the happiest man alive and marry me and become Ginevra Molly Potter.

Ginny couldn't believe what is happening she was shock that anyone would love someone like her, she look Harry in the eyes. "Yes, yes I will marry you" Ginny said and more tear flowed down her cheeks but these tears were not sad once but happy tears.

For once in her life Ginny Weasley could not be happier.

Was it good or bad?? I like writing this chapter, sorry if the whole engagement speech is bad but I did my best. Remember to vote, follow and check out my other stories.

Hogwarts Princess

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