ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ ᖴOᑌᖇ

Beginne am Anfang

In the back I see Taehyun shift in his seat. Was he sweating?  "On behalf of the royal family, I would like to tank all the beautiful women who joined and will be celebrating the engagement of our beloved Prince Taehyun.

The crowd goes Wild and applauded. Taehyun smiles but looks uncomfortable.  "But don't worry too much, I'm sure you're all curious about the process of the selection and would love to see what's going on. Therefore, we decided to broadcast the process for all of Athitin to see!," he announces.

"What better person to host it, then our ever so loved, Bang SiHyuk!," the crowd goes wild and I hear some claps coming from my left. Mom was clapping too.

"(Y/N)! You might get to meet Bang SiHyuk!," she exclaims.  He leaps across the strange and waves to the crowd. "Goooood afternoon Athitin!," he sings. "I have to say, I'm so honoured to be part of the selection.  Lucky me! I get to meet 100 beautiful women! What fool wouldn't want my job?,"
He says with a wink to the camera.

"I now have the pleasure of speaking with the one and only, Prince Taehyun!".

With that Prince Taehyun walks across yah stage.  He stand at the podium and straightens his tie as if he needed to look even more polished than he already did.  He shook Mr. Bang's hand and direct his attention to the crowd.  "Thank you, the pleasure is all mine," he says politely.

He radiated waves of formality, I mentally cringed at the thought of being in the same room as him. I'm so unladylike that it's not even funny. I wouldn't be able to sit up straight in that chair for that long.

I don't know how the rosy family goes it. That's definitely not my type of lifestyle.  "In less than a week, one hundred female will be moving into your palace, how do you feel about that?," Mr. Bang asks.

Taehyun awkwardly laughs and take the mic. " honestly, it's a bit weird. I'm sure their will be a lot of noise due to all the guests, but I'm looking forward to it none the less," he says. He looks and sounds so awkward up there. Maybe he's just nervous.

"One lady question your highness, what is your ideal girl?!".

Taehyun looks taken back by the question. He opens his mouth but closes it since no words come out. He looks rather flustered and unsure how to answer.

He clear his throat and raises the mic to his mouth. "I'm actually not sure if I do that a type. Maybe the selection will let me see if I do," he says. Hm, smart answer.

Mr. Bang nod and bows and the camera turn back
To him. They didn't turn fast enough though. For a split second you could see Taehyun turn to his parents, wondering if he said the  right thing.

"That's all the time we have for tonight folks, stay tuned for the section!".

The broadcast ends and mom claps.  All of them turn to me and give me sneaky smiles. I chuck a pillow their way and  scoff. Taehyun was so stiff and awkward, it's hard to imagine anyone be happy with a wimp like that.

I stand up and go to my bed. I spend the rest to the night tying to erase though fo him out of my head. I'm probably going to have a hard time sleeping tonight.

I close my eye and try to drift off to slee but a strange noise pulls me out. I sit and and listen closely so I can find out what that noise is.

Tap, tap ,tap.

I turn slowly to jump window , and there was Yeonjun with a big smile on his face. Upon seeing him , I instantly light up and hip out of bed. I carefully tip toe over to the door and lock it shut before rushing over to the window.

In unlatch it and  lift it up just enough for him to slip through. A rush of excitement rushes  over me and he climbed through the window and onto my bed.

"What are you doing her," I whisper, smiling as I do.

"I had to see you," he breathes against my cheek as he wraps his arm around me. He pulls me down until we're laying to the bed, side by side with eachother.

"You won't believe the crazy stories I have to-," he shushes me, cutting me off. "Don't say anything, if anyone here there'll be hell to pay," he whisper.

"Just let me look at you, yeah?".

I listen and lay silently. With soft and even breaths he stares into my eyes lovingly like I'm the precious gem he's laid eyes on.  He brings a hand up and brushes his finger against my cheek softly.

One he felt that he looked at me long enough, he bring  his face close and nuzzles his face in my neck. His hands are moving up and down the curve of my waists and over my hips.

He lips trace my necks and stop at my jaw as he pressed warm kisses along the flesh. They travel from my jaw into my cheeks, and finally to my lips.  His lips moved against mine for a short moment before slowly coming to a stop.

I was nowhere near ready to stop though, but we had no choice, we had to be careful. If we went any further and there was evidence , we'd both have to suffer the consequences.

He rest his forehead against mine and presses one final kiss to my nose. "I should go," his whispers while sitting up. I pinch his shirt between my fingers and slightly tug as a small whine escapes my lips.

He smiles and leans down to peck my lips. "You're ok (Y/N), once this whole thing is over we won't have to worry about getting caught. You'll fall asleep in my arms every night and wake up to my kisses every morning," he says.

"And then we'll be able to go even further," he says softer. I blush at the thought.

"But I need to go now, we're pushing our luck?".

I sigh and let go. He's right, this is way to risky.

"I love you (Y/N)," he whispers as he makes my way to the window.  These moments will be enough  to get me through  the storm that awaits:  Mom's disappointment when I don't get chosen. Or
the work I'd be doing to help Yeonjun save up money.

But none of it mattered right now. Not if if I have him.

"I love you too.." I whisper in the air.

To be continued...

Picture of the day!


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And no! I won't turn this into a Yeonjun fanfic! He already had his own book ☠️☠️

But if you love him that much I might make a chapter at the end of this book on what their life together would be like 💙

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