"Brooke," I murmur, "you're hurting me."

I watch her eyes flit over to Josie's stare and back to Tommy. Nothing. 

I really, really wouldn't mind it if her hands weren't making my arm go blue. 

"Brooke," I grit through a smile, "Please let go."

The tour guide finally arrives, and Brooke releases me. She steps toward the front of the crowd of ten or so people without even looking back. 

I let out a deep breath, and rub my arm, hoping to work the blood flow so it gets flowing again. 

SueEllen comes over to me, looking at my arm slightly shaking her head. 

"I love you, SueEllen, but please, not right now," I tell her, hoping she understands my plea. I look at my arm as I rub it, noticing how super tender it is. Goddamn, she's stronger than she looks.

"I wasn't going to say anything, I swear," she assures. "Are you okay though?"

"Just peachy," I answer without looking up. 

"You should have Josie check that out, just to be on the safe side."

I'm about to ask why Josie, but then I remember she's a nurse, and I nod. "Yeah, maybe later."

The tour guide finishes his speech about the background of the house, and he opens the front door to let us all in. I'm not going to lie, I was expecting Brooke to wait for us, or at least me, before going in, but she doesn't.

I see Tommy in my periphery trying to catch my eye, but I pretend like I don't see him. I'm too embarrassed. 

We shuffle into the manor, and I see Brooke at the front of the group, listening intently to what the guide is saying. I signal to my friends I'm going to stand with her, and I walk around the back of the tour group until I'm right behind Brooke. Shuffling between people until I stand next to her, and I rest my hand around her waist, hoping she doesn't push me away

She tenses up but doesn't make any move to remove my hand. Small win, but I'll take it. 

We move through the parlor, through the dining room, and we're told about the fine china and how the original owner's father bought it for his daughter after a big fight. 

If only buying Brooke china could fix our issues. 

I want to walk around with Tommy, SueEllen, Josie, and yes, I guess James, and I make small hints that we should slow down and stick with them, but they go right over her head, so I stop trying. 

We finish the tour at one of the side doors of the manor, and I make a grab for Brooke's hand as we walk out, which she lets me take, but she doesn't grip my hand back. 

I close my eyes, trying to control my breathing before I blow up. My head bobs up and down as I breathe. 

Why the hell is she doing this? I'm trying my best to correct this situation. Is that why she's doing this? Out of spite? Does she want me to struggle? Does she want me to feel like this? How long am I supposed to suffer? As awful as it is, I can't help but wonder if it's PMS. I don't think it is though because she normally is very open with me about it, and it wouldn't even occur at this time of the month. 

I turn towards her, squeezing her hand to get her attention. "Do you want to leave, or do you want to do another one?" I ask referring to another tour. Not that I expect a legitimate answer, but I want to know because I personally would like to stay to see the animals. 

She shrugs, not looking up at me. "I don't care."

"Okay," I answer in what I hope is a cheery tone. We continue to walk, and I swing our linked hands exaggeratedly through the air. "Let's go see the barn and stables, then."

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