Hello old friend

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"(Y/n) get your ass down here before I have to get you myself!" You hear your mom yell " Great," you think to yourself "she's drunk again, AND IT'S ONLY 6:00 a.m. !"
"I don't hear your lazy ass moving yet!" She screams from the kitchen ,then she lets loose a horrible fit of smokers cough that's loud enough to wake the dead.
" I'M UP MOM YOU CAN BREATHE , BESIDES IT'S CHRISTMAS , AND I DON'T HAVE TO GO TO SCHOOL TODAY!"you yell out as you pad to the only bathroom in this 2 room apartment. The entire place is trashed with plates of uneaten food, cigarette cartons, empty liquor bottles, and the smell of rotten garbage and mold. You lock the door behind you. After all you don't want your abusive dad or drunk mom to come in and see all your cuts. Yes you cut and you're ashamed of it, but it's the only way to deal with all the pain your hiding. You get in the shower when it's warm and hiss as the water touches your fresher cuts. You run your fingers over all the scars ,crying softly as you remember what caused all of them, especially the ones that you didn't cause, which is more than what you've caused yourself. After all you've only started cutting a few months ago after some one told you that you should slice your wrists open because everyone would be happier without you. Although you didn't want to admit it, you thought those bullies at school were right most of the time but something kept you moving forward. A promise you made to your imaginary friend who you hadn't seen in couple of months, in fact it was when he started to not show up that you started cutting.
As you go to grab your towel you hear someone breathe in sharply and whisper "(y/n), what have you done?" You recognize that raspy voice immediately.
" J-jack, you weren't supposed to ever see these." Tears of shame course down your face as you wrap yourself in a towel and step out of the shower onto the bath mat. You look up and the tears get worse as you realize that Jack is weeping silently into his hands.
" W-w-why d d did you do this!?" he blubbers. You can't stand Jack crying because he's always been the one who kept smiling even when your dad broke 3 of your ribs and no one took you to the hospital and Jack taped them so they could heal and gave you some candy. You wrap your arms around the ridiculously tall clown, forgetting that your only in a towel.
" Jack it's ok ,I promise to never to do it again and besides its not as bad as what my parents have been doing." You shrug nonchalantly. He suddenly looks at your face and growls out,
" Never do that ever again as long as you live! And your parents time is over because I'm sick of you just standing there taking all the shit they decide to throw at you, I mean come on your such a wonderful person and all they do is try to break you! Well I'm done!! I'm going to go "play" with your parents then your coming to live with me and that's FINAL !!!" With that he charges out of the bathroom. As you put your last piece of clothing (your top of course) when you realize what Laughing Jack meant by "play" you shrug and brush your teeth while they scream.

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