Chapter 13 ~ We're in the endgame now

Start from the beginning

"You took most of that hit, are you okay?" Roy asks concernedly as he looks up at me.

"Nope. I feel sick." I wince as I close my eyes. They weren't kidding when they say its a Power Stone. Jeez, that hurt like a mother trucker.

I cough up some blood. So I have a concussion and possibly internal bleeding, got it. Nothing that can't be healed within a few hours though. Roy and I know we're down for the count now and can't do anything but watch the scene play out in front of us behind all the trees and bushes.

We watch as Thor hurls his ax at Thanos and it slams right into his chest. Roy and I smile at the fact this fight is almost over.

"I told you... you'd die for that." We hear Thor say as he holds the back of Thanos' head and pushes the ax deeper into his chest.

You should have... you should..." We hear Thanos say very weakly. "You should have gone for the head." He says a lot stronger this time and raises the gauntlet and snaps his fingers.

"NO!" Thor yells as there is a bright, blinding light. "What did you do? WHAT'D YOU DO?!" Thor screams at him. Thanos then uses a stone and teleports away, leaving Thor's ax behind.

"Where'd he go? Thor. Where'd he go?" I hear Dad asks as he stumbles over to Thor, holding his left side.

"Steve?" I hear Bucky say. Roy and I snap our attention over to him to see him turning to dust.

"Uncle Buck," I say weakly.

"What the hell is happening?" Roy asks as we watch people all around us dusting away.

I see Wanda starting to dust in the distance.

"WANDA!" I yell. She looks up at me, looking me right in the eyes before she completely dusts away. I look at Roy. "We have to get up."

"Uh... (Y/n)." He says, worriedly.

I see that Roy's legs are starting to dust away.

"No, no. Not you too." I say as I cradle his head. Tears start forming in my eyes. "No, no, no, no. Stay with me please. Don't leave me, I need you." I beg as I start sobbing.

Roy looks up at me, scared for his life. "I'm sorry. I wanted to tell you this after the battle, but I guess I don't have time now." He starts to say quickly, knowing he doesn't have much time. "I love you, (Y/n). Always have. Always will. I'm sorry it only took me dusting away to finally have enough balls to tell you." He says as he smiles up at me, tears coming to his eyes. I smile back at him, my tears falling off my face and onto his as he fully dusts away in my arms.


Meanwhile on Titan...

Tony's POV

Peter helps me to my feet as Quill comes over, propped up by Mantis, while Drax and Nebula limp over to us.

"Something's happening," Mantis says as I watch in disbelief as she turns to dust.

"Quill?" Drax says as he dissolves into dust too.

I see Quill slowly dusting away too and I stare in panic. "Steady, Quill," I tell him.

"Aw, man," Quill says as he disintegrates into ashes too.

I look around in panic, not knowing what's happening.

"Tony." Strange says, catching my attention. "There was no other way." He says to me and then he too turns into ashes.

"Mr. Stark?" Peter says to me and my stomach drops as I realize what's happening to Peter. "I don't feel so good."

I try to stay calm for him as I look at him in terror. "You're all right," I tell him, my voice shaking as I speak.

Peter starts to stumble. "I don't know what's—I don't know what's happening. I don't—" He falls and I catch him in my arms. He hugs onto me tightly, completely terrified, and begins to cry. "I don't wanna go. I don't wanna go, sir. Please. Please, I don't wanna go. I don't wanna go." He pulls on me and I stumble trying to hold the both of us up and we fall to the ground. I look down at Peter, who's lying on his back and staring up at the sky. He turns his attention to me. "I'm sorry." He says softly before he turns to dust right in my arms.

I fall forward from the lack of weight in my arms. I stare at my hands in disbelief as I sit up.

"He did it." Nebula says.

I sit there as I silently mourn at our failure. 'Everyone's gone. Peter's gone. God I just hope Pepper and (Y/n) are okay.'

Back at Wakanda...

Steve's POV

I kneel down where Bucky was just standing moments ago. I look at Thor in disbelief before something dawns on me.

"(Y/n)!" I yell. I start running around the forest to find her. "(Y/n)!" I yell desperately, waiting for her to yell back. I'm only met with silence as I continue running around the forest. I come back to where Thor is still standing, as I still look around.

I then hear a voice that I feared I would never hear again.

"Dad!" I hear her shout back. I sigh in relief, knowing that she's okay. She comes out behind some bushes and trees, holding her stomach as she makes her way over to me.

I run at her and engulf her in a hug. "I thought I lost you too."

"I'm right here, Dad." She says to me, hugging me tighter.

"I heard you call out for Wanda and thought you were going too," I say as we pull away. I now see that tears stain her cheeks and her eyes are puffy from crying.

"He's gone, Dad." She says to me as her voice cracks. "Roy's gone."

I pull her in for another hug. "Bucky's gone too," I tell her as she silently cries onto my suit. I let her cry for a few more moments before pulling away. "We have to see who's left," I say as I wipe the tears off her cheeks.

She looks up at me and nods. "Alright."

I lead the way as we look for other survivors. We see a group, Thor, Rhodey, Bruce, and the raccoon are all looking at something. We go over and it takes me a second to realize that they're looking at Vision's colorless body. He's grey now and I kneel down near his body and turn him over to see a huge hole in his head where his stone used to be. Nat comes running up to us, standing behind (Y/n) and I as I fall back on my bottom, (Y/n) sitting right next to me, staring in disbelief.

"What is this? What the hell is happening?" Rhodey asks.

I don't say anything for a few seconds as I stare in the distance. "Oh, God."

(Y/n) collapse in my arms as we all stay there, unsure what to do next. I hold back onto (Y/n) tightly, afraid she'll disappear too. She stays silent for a while before whispering something so softly, but we all hear it.

"We're in the endgame now."

That's the end of Infinity War hehe. I'm prepared to be yelled at go ahead.


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