The Martian and the Earth

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"It was made by the gods, it is the most beautiful and special planet there is, it is called earth, and it is thousands of light years away from our planet-"

"Excuse me professor, I have a question: What is it so special about this, so called, earth?" Asked the Martian.

"That's' an interesting question" answered the teacher "There are many things that make this planet so special, but the most interesting one is the story of how it was made: the gods reunited and accorded to make the most perfect planet they were able to make, full of life, beauty and happiness. And so, after just three days of having that idea, they started to build it, first light and dark, then hot and cold, then water and land, and at the end, all living creatures, of all shapes and sizes, of all colors and kinds. The gods made all this in just one week"

"ONE WEEK?!" asked the students.

"Yes, one week, and if you don't believe me, let me show you some pictures" the professor went to the computer, turned on the projector and searched some pictures of planet earth.

It was the most beautiful thing the Martian had ever seen.


Twenty years had passed since he first heard about planet earth in class, and now he lived in it. It was just as perfect as he had researched in the university: there was a perfect healthcare system, amazing transportation, everyone had a good job that they liked, it had the most beautiful landscapes and there was no corruption! Not at all like his planet of origin. This was corrupt, the government and the healthcare system where a mess, there was a lot of misemployment and everything was full of contamination. He did not miss his planet at all, he loved earth!

But one day, everything changed. He was at work in the interplanetary relations administration and received a message from someone he recognized very well: the emperor of his planet of origin. He was demanding for a permit in order to enter earth and talk to the president, he knew the Martian was from his planet, so he told him that if the he refused to give him the permit, he would send troops directly to him, but if the Martian let him in, he would give him a very good life, full of luxuries, in whatever planet he wanted, just if he led him talk to the president.

The Martian knew how manipulative the emperor could be, and if he talked to the president, he could change things for the worst in planet earth. Buy eventually, covering his back, decided to give the permit to the emperor.

So, the emperor came to earth and "talked" with the president, and at the end he convinced him to change every fair aspect of earth and made the emperor of the Martian's world now emperor of earth too. This led to chaos.

Today, everything is corrupt and contaminated, the healthcare system is now unfair and almost no one has a good quality of life. Almost no one except the Martian, who now lives a life full of luxuries, but at the same time, a life full of regret.

The moral of the story is that it is better to think about the greater good and think about other's wellbeing, not just your own, otherwise, the most probable thing is that you will regret this decision. 

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