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"What are you doing here?"

It can't be him right?

"Oh, nothing. You?"

Yeah, maybe not.

"Oh, I'm waiting for someone."

Someone who I missing but I can't remember who is he.

"Who? Your boyfriend?"

Yeah, my boyfriend.

"Anii. Wooyoung-ah. Want some?"

"Ouh thank you"

We lean to the tree.

"You know what? I feel really dumb right now"

"Why? You are smart enough. You scored all the time."

"Even I can scored in my exam, remember all the things that teacher teached us--

I can't remember my memories that we made. I just found it out a few weeks before. I feel so guilty with him. He went through all of his disease without me knowing. And now, I can't remember his face. Who is he? Even the name- he called himself as Woowoo. But it didn't help me to remember it. I just-"

I start to cry.

Wooyoung just look at me.

"I feel useless Wooyoung-ah. I miss him, but I can't remember who is he"

Wooyoung hug me. Try soothing me.

"Then, can I help you remember it?"

"Wooyoung, its my memories. How can you help me. You don't even know me. How can you give me back my mem-"


Who are you? ~Jung Wooyoung~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora