Looking for some action (Manchester, 1991)

Start from the beginning

"No problem Lila." The guy named Pauli enthusiastically hands me the money and chats with Bonehead as I get their pints. My sister looks at me.

"How's it going?"

"Quite alright. Everyone's just being a depressive fuck over the game." She pulls a cigarette out of her pocket and lights it.

"Can I have one?" She reaches in her pocket again and I can see her wallet in there.

"Why'd you tell them you don't have your cash?"

"Got better tings to do with it then spending it here." For a moment I'm confused, then I get it.


"Stop it." She says. "It's nothing bad."

"Nothing bad." I repeat angry. "Getting coked out of your mind is not bad?"

"It's not your business smart ass. "

"Yeah, say that the next time mom's hysterical because of you."

"Stop playing miss goodie shoes."

"Keep your fucking cig." I turn my back on her and sink into the most radiant blue eyes I have ever seen. Its the moment my whole world stops turning and starts new. It's the one second that changes everything, the one terrifying and thrilling heartbeat I miss and nothing's the same after. He hasn't said a word and he didn't have to. 

It's the very moment I fall head over heels for Liam Gallagher. 

"Want me to help ya out with that, love?"

"W-,what?" Suddenly the pub feels very heated.

"You want a cig?" He grabs a pack out of his pocket and takes one out for himself before offering it to me. I stand there like an idiot, watching the cigarette hanging loose from his lips. These pink, perfect lips.

"Lizzie?" Delilah rolls her eyes.

"Liam, this is my retarded lil' sister. She's a cunt but normally she's able to answer." I shoot a furious gaze at her.

"At least I'm not an insufferable fuckin' minge."

"Oh shut up you pain in the ass."

"Just fuck off you cunt."

"Almost as bad as you and our kid." The guy named Paul hits Liams shoulder laughing. He laughs too and then offers me his hand.

"Nice to meet ya!"I feel a sensational tremble in my stomach when I take his hand. His thumb carrases over my fingers for a heartbeat then Liam steps back. I prepare their drinks and try my best to fall into the routine I have trained myself in in the last few weeks but my eyes always wander back to Liam. He's leaning against the counter and chats with Delilah and his hand carasses her shoulder again and again. I roll my eyes. Of course.

Being busy to gaze at them and especially him, I don't realize that the glasses are already full and I spill beer all over myself.

"Fuckin', fuck!" 

"Seriously, get a grip of yourself." Delilah takes the beers out of my hand and looks pitying at me. "What's the matter?"

"You're annoying, that's the matter." I wipe hastily over the counter.

"Whatever. When's your shift over?"

"About an hour."

"Want to come over then and join us?" Liam says. His gaze completely throws me out of whatever thought I had. It should be illegal to look at people like that, I think and feel another tremble in my stomach. Fuckin' hell.

"Yeah" I stutter. "Why not."

"Great." He smirks at me and I can't help it but smile back like an idiot. De looks suspiciously at me.

"What's that? A smile? From a frump like you?" she teases me. 

"Shut up."

"You sure you want to come over later?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Why not? Afraid I'll embarrass you in front of everyone?" 

"I didn't say that."

"Wasn't necessary."

"Listen, will you? It's just, you're not the most...people liking person I know. And those are my friends. I don't want you to hate them."

"They seem quite alright."

"They are. So please, be nice?"

"When have I ever not been nice?" I ask angrily. De's smirk is really getting on my nerves.

"Right now, for example."

"That's only your fault."

"Probably." She shrugs her shoulders. "See ya later, little one."

"Don't call me that."

"Okay, Lizzie."

"Go." I can't help but smile a little. Excited I look at the table where Delilah sits down next to Liam. She says something to him and he turns around to me and grins. I feel another tremble in my stomach and turn around, so he can't see my goofy smile. What's gotten into me all of a sudden?

"Oi, sweetcheeks! Over 'ere!"

The shouting from the other side of the bar catapults me back into reality. One hour to go before the fun can begin. I hope, there'll be some action. 

Manchester, 2011

It's raining as hard as it did the night I met Liam for the first time in that pub. I leave the grand foyer of the hotel and put the scarf I had in my pocket over my head. The memory of it is enough to keep me going. It's time to get hammered, to get utterly wasted, as wasted as we all got that night. Anything, anything to make me forget what havoc this night has wreaked in the next few years of my life. 

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