“Yeah, that must be why he's so good-looking," King Quincy said, giving Prince D a high five.

“Was that a dad joke?" Cooper gasped. “It was lame!"

Flower smiled as the royal family laughed together. Something about them reminded the princess of her and her parents.

“Whoa, so that means you're a Funk Troll?" Poppy asked.

“You don't have to be just one thing," Cooper explained. “I'm Pop and Funk."

“Or maybe you're Hip Hop, like me!" Prince D added. Poppy was confused, the only Hip Hop Troll she knew was Tiny Diamond. She pulled out the map to see if there was anything about Hip Hop Trolls. “Yeah, I think your map is a bit outdated."

“Oh, he's right," Branch pointed out. “Look at that, it still has Disco."

“Well, Your Majesties, we need your help to save all music from Queen Barb," Poppy proposed eagerly. “If we combine our music, she'll see that music unites all Trolls, and that we're all the same, and that she's one of us!"

Branch noticed the nervous expressions on the king and queen's faces, and had a feeling this wasn't going to go the way Poppy had hoped.

“Poppy, I mean no disrespect, but king to queen, anything but that," King Quincy pleaded.

Poppy was confused. “Why not?"


King Quincy and Queen Essence agreed that after everything she did for their son, Poppy and her friends deserved to know the truth.

“Let's tell 'em how it was, Prince D," King Quincy told his son as the Royal Funk Family led them to Vibe City's Hall of Records, which held some of their greatest hits. There were shelves full of old-fashioned records, and at the center was a bubble that held a bass guitar strung with the purple Funk string.

“Sick," Prince D agreed. Any friend of his brother's was a friend of his. “Long ago, our world was without song or dance. Then the Trolls found the strings, and life was one big party."

“Oh, yeah," Poppy said as they looked at the Funk string. “I-I've heard the story before."

“Good stowy," Flower added.

“That is... until the Pop Trolls tried to steal our strings," Prince D revealed, much to the surprise of Poppy and her friends.

“Steal your strings?" Poppy repeated, confused. “That-That's not what it said in our scrapbooks."

“Scrapbooks? Those are cut out, glued, and glittered by the winners," Prince D said. “Let me tell you how it really went down."

To help Poppy understand, Prince D turned on a record player, pulled a record out of its case, put it in the player, and rapped to the music as Poppy looked at the artwork on the cover, which revealed everything.

We started off a team

Party 'til we fall asleep

Trolls World Tour (with Flower and Willow)Where stories live. Discover now