Chapter 2

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Considering my mood last night, I feel quite happy this morning. I, for once, feel like getting ready and maybe the new exchange student is also a catalyst for this mood, but in reality, it just felt good to be happy and not think about Gabe for once. I am upset about him not wishing me on my birthday of course but this feeling isn't accompanied by the waves of heartache I felt over him last night. Maybe a good hour of crying session that I had last night helped.

Today, I had on 'my confidence dress.' There are two sets of outfit that I own which make me feel like I own the world and rather than wearing a new dress for my birthday which people tend to do, I wanted to wear my confidence dress. A sweet vintage floral aline dress that was called 'nothing but friends' according to its collection line. What an irony!

I reached the college on time for welcoming the exchange students for their first day at the college. We get to spend the entire day with them which sounded fun, but it came with the pain of attending their classes with them. We weren't asked to take notes and study in the class of course, but sitting in classes was something I wasn't up to.

"Hey! Are you getting out of that car of yours anytime soon?" Lea asked me as she stood by her car in the parking lot.

"Yes, I am. I was just mentally preparing myself for the fun and the torture. Do we have to attend their classes, compulsorily Lea?" I asked Lea as I knew she thought that I was still upset over Gabe not wishing me.

"It is going to be fun, Viv. And since when do you not like classes? Also, I am sure that you haven't gone through the profile the office provided you with. Do you know the person? Or his schedule? Or anything about what you are supposed to do today?" Lea sounded a little angry now. I think all this work from the International Office and then Gabe's actions were just catching up to her.

"Lea I have read the entire file about the guy. His name is Nishant. He is from a college which our University has partnered up with, in Bangalore. He just has two classes for the day and has signed up for me take him around the university. He is a finance major and hopes to learn a thing or two about different forecasting methods for the time being he is here in the college," I said all of that as if I had learnt it all. 

"If you want I can tell you more and no I haven't yet stalked him on any social media site so I don't really know how he looks." I know Lea enough to know that she was wondering if I had kept my promise of not checking this guy out before I met him. Something about a surprise factor and not having preconceived notions etc. were here reasons.

"Okay. I get it. I was wrong to assume things. Now here is your gift and do not open it until after the college and well run to the office. Your exchange student might think you ditched him and that is surely not a good thing," Lea told me with all her crazy hand actions that she does when she is nervous or unprepared for things.

"I am running and you should too. I wouldn't want the Head of the International Office to be late now would I? I don't think that is nice for a first impression." I teased her as I started walking really fast towards the office. And Lea, not surprisingly, was just behind me.

We reached the office a little late than Lea would have preferred as I saw her going towards the front of the room really fast which resulted in her colliding with a man- an exchange student I believe.The collision was grand enough for grabbing everyone's attention, but the man was just so kind as he helped Lea pick up all the papers she spilt out of her files and kept on asking her if she was fine. Well, Lea looked more than fine to me. She looked like she could turn into an entire beetroot right now and it wasn't because of the attention she gained from the collision, rather because of that beautiful guy. Yes, that guy was beautiful and he was making the no-nonsense Lea blush into a beetroot and I already loved him for it.Turns out the guy was not an exchange student. And he wasn't a guy at all. He was the newly appointed teacher in charge of the International Office and I just couldn't hold my laughter in seeing that Lea had the hots for a teacher. I knew this because he addressed everyone right after Lea did regarding this exchange and how it is going to work. And all the time he spoke, Lea just couldn't stop ogling him. And well I couldn't help it and I laughed.People were looking at me as if I had grown a horn like a Unicorn. I mean is there a problem if a person laughs out of nowhere?

"Are you out of your mind Viv? Why would you laugh like that?" Lea was furious again.

"I wasn't laughing at what he was saying Lea. I was just looking at you and couldn't control my laughter," I told her still smiling.

"What is so funny Viv. I love the fact that you are happy today but seriously I don't understand the sudden reason. Now go look for your student before he is too lost looking for you. The meeting just ended," Lea added furiously.

"I know you can't wait to meet the new teacher alone Lea but that just doesn't mean that you behave like this with me," I teased her some more.

She just gave me a look and went away but not before pushing me towards the Exchange Students. And what better first impression do I have to make when I literally just fall onto one of them?

"I am really, really sorry. My friend just pushed me out of nowhere. I really did not mean to," I said this as I tried getting up from a boy who I had pushed on the floor because of the sudden push.

He was another beautiful species. Sharp features, especially the nose and a really chiselled jawline. What is it with me and noticing beautiful people today?

"Why are you sorry? This is the most wonderful accident I have ever had. I wouldn't even mind if I had you as my student representative today," he told me with a wink and got up right after me.I was definitely blushing and understood Lea how Lea must have felt now.

"I am sorry but my exchange student is called Mr Nishant Agarwal. Is he here?" I asked no one in general and also in a way gave a reply to the guy.

"Why are always sorry Vivian Belle. I am Nishant and well I am right here."

And I looked up from my file right at the source of the voice wishing it wasn't true, but it seems as if my blushing isn't going to end anytime soon.


I really hope this is  long enough and an interesting read. Do tell me how you liked it!



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2020 ⏰

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