Maya's car seem to be going fine, but with her luck she knew it was going to get stuck soon. It always got stuck on bumper cars. At first everyone was going around in circles taking it easy on everyone. soon they all started to chased each other bumping into friends and strangers.

Maya noticed Caleb was after her. So, she tried to avoid him, but he kept chasing her around. As she was trying to get away from Caleb, Maya didn't notice Ali was coming from the front to block her off. She crashed straight into Ali, and Caleb used the opportunity to bumped her from the back. She was sandwiched between the two. Laughter filled their ears. Caleb and Ali high fives each other as they drove off.

"That's not fair, ali!" She shouted with a laugh.

Ali looked back as she was riding away. "All's fair in love and war!" She called back. Sending her an wink

Maya tried to move her car, but it would not budge.
She was stuck. The ride control man came to help but, it still wouldn't move. So the man showed her another empty car as she was getting in Cable pulled up next to her car.

"Hope in!" He called over the loud music.

So, Maya jumped into the the passenger side of Caleb's car instead of the new car. They rode around for a few more minutes before the ride came to an end. Caleb helped maya out of the car and then they headed off to the next one.

The ride Ali suggested  went around in circles like a mini roller coaster, but without the loops. After waiting in like for a few minutes it was their turn. Ali and Jason in one cart and Caleb and Maya in another cart. The ride just went around in circles and up and down like it was going over a hill. Maya sat toward the inside and Caleb sat next to the door. The ride started off slow, but picked up speed. Suddenly, Maya slid straight into Caleb. She tried to slid back, but gravity kept pulling her toward Caleb. She could hear Jason and Ali laugh as she looked up. Her face was pink. Cable just threw his hands around her shoulder. "Hold on tight." He whispered.
And Maya's face flushed red. Finally, the ride came to an end.

"You set us up!" Maya said to ali.

Ali laughed. "You two just need a push in the right direction." She said

"Ali!" Maya said, with a stern tone.

"Maya!" Ali imitated with a smile playing in her lips.

Maya looked at her friend trying to hold in her smile. This wasn't what she was going for, but Ali won't have it any other way. She kept pushing the two into each other, making jokes and teasing them the whole day. Both, Caleb and Maya would turn red. Jason wasn't bothered about it, but he joined in on the joke half way through the day.

"Oh, come on! You can't tell me you didn't like it." Ali stayed.

Maya broke into a smile that's she had been holding back. She wasn't lying. It's not like Maya was offend by the jokes. Caleb was pretty cute. Whenever she's look up at Caleb after they get tease she'd always catch him looking at her. His face gone pink, and a smile on his lips. Ali linked their arms, and they walked towards another ride. The went on those huge slides a few times because the line was empty. Racing one another. After a few more rides, they ended up at a the games.

The first came was those duck shooting games. It was the four of them and another group of friend. Ali had gotten 15 points Maya had gotten 20 and the boys had gotten 50, but non of them won. A boy from the other group jumped up as he got the higher score.

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