Capture the Moment

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They headed towards a coffee shop was at the corner of the street. It had tables set outside with umbrellas and the inside looked as if it were out of a movie. The smell of freshly brewed coffee filled the air. There was a bookshelf at the back, that went all the way to the ceiling, a fireplace with armchairs on either side. A huge Persian rug laid out, with floor pillows. On the left side there were small, round tables and bar seats by the window.

"Wow!" Maya exclaimed, walking over to the bookshelf. She started scanning through the books. The books varied From old to new. There was even a ladder on wheels. This place was out of a movie she thought picking out a book in the process. When she opens the book, a musky sweet smell filled her noise. The pages were tinted brown and crisp. On the back of the book it read a little quote.

"We started with a simple hello, but ended with a complicated goodbye," Caleb read the quote out loud, while he looked over her shoulder. "Sounds interesting." He acknowledged, while Maya placed the old book back on the shelf.

They ordered food and looked around while it was being prepared than when their food was ready they sat down at a table near the wall. "So, any good food you can suggest?" Inquired Maya as she took a sip of her coffee.

"For starters, this croissant!" Picking up the plate which had the chocolate drizzled croissant on it
"Nothing beats our croissant." He declared.

"Hmm, I don't know, Paris has the best croissants." Maya said. It really was one of the best croissants she had. She had not taste a better croissant ever since Paris.

"Ours are better, take a bit." He said, handing the plate to her. Maya took the chocolate drizzle croissant off the glass plate and took a bit. Caleb waited patiently and watched her intensely. Just as Mayas eyes light up Caleb beamed, knowing that he had just introduced Maya to the best croissants in the world. The croissant had chocolate inside as well. This definitely topped the Paris one she thought.

"This is amazing!" she said, while taking another bit.

"I told you." Was all Caleb said, as he drank his coffee. Satisfied that Maya was enjoying the croissant.

After finishing their coffee, they headed back outside. The streets had become busy compared to when the first arrived. Mayas eyes wandered everywhere, from the trees to the building, taking in ever detail. Snapping pictures with the disposable camera that Caleb has gotten her. They stopped beside a blue double-decker bus when Caleb said, "You are not a real tourist, if you do not go on a tour bus."

They got two tickets for the bus and made their way to the top level. The weather was perfect to sit on the top of the bus. As they waited for the bus to fill up, they talked and messed around taking pictures of one another. Clearly making a scene as they got a few glares, but they did not care.

"Aren't you two just adorable!" An elderly lady, sat across from them, next to her husband had chimed, catching Caleb and Mayas attention.

The elderly lady's statement confused Maya and it took a few seconds for her to register what she meant. Before maya could correct the lady cable threw his arm around mayas shoulder and a grin was plastered upon Calebs' face. " Thank you." He said. Pulling Maya closer. Her face turned red as she looked down at her camera trying to avoid Caleb's' hazel eyes.

"I'm Lin and this is my husband Howard." the elderly lady introduced. She started telling them about how her and her husband were also young, and in love just like them. The old man smiling down at his wife and pitching into the story once in a while. They met in London. When they were about the same age as Maya and Caleb.

"It was love at first sight," Lin said. Her eyes sparked up as she spoke about their youthful days.
Looking at Caleb and Maya was as though they were looking into their past, Howard had Stated.

"Come, I take some pictures of you two." Lin insisted.

Reluctantly, Maya handed her the disposal camera. Caleb pulled Maya closer, and that's when she realized he hadn't moved his arms from her shoulder. Both Caleb and Maya smiled waiting for the flash.

After one click Lin questioned the Two
"Is that the best you got?"

"Come on give her a kiss!" Howard hollered at Caleb.

Caleb and Maya look at each other and bust out laughing. Mayas checks were in flames, and Caleb eyes were filled with amusement. Maya averted her gaze from Caleb, a small smile still lingering on her face. When suddenly, Caleb's soft lips gently touched her crimson cheeks.

"That's more like it!" Yelled Lin, enthusiastically.
While Howard let out a joyful laugh.

Both of them just staring at each other. A gush of wind caused Mayas hair to brush her cheeks, and Caleb tucked it away. It was a if time had stop. The elderly couple cheered them on. Before both of them looked away, Lin managed to capture a few more shotes before handing back the camera and the tour carried on.

The bus finally came to a stop after an hour. They said their farewell to the sweet couple as they left the bus. Once they got off, Caleb's phone range. As he answered it, he spoke to whoever was on the opposite end in German, she took a few more picture of the scenery around them, Caleb was one of them.

The incident that occurred on the bus replayed in her mind as she captured a picture of Caleb. He caught her taking a picture and right before the snap he made a silly face making Maya giggle.

When he got off the phone, he said, "That was Jason, he's finally awake. We supposed to meet up."

"Oh well, you should get going. Thanks for showing me around."she said, a little disappointed. Maya had been enjoying Caleb's company. His carefree attitude had really brightens her day.

Caleb look at the time on his phone before showing her the screen. "You got 19 hours remaining, and our adventure has just started. I would like you to meet my friends. I think you would really like Ali."Caleb had said, while walking backward, ushering her to follow along.

Maya smiled knowing that this wasn't the end of their journey, and jogged a little to catch up to him. They talked about his friend, Alison and Jason. They have been friends for as long as they could remember. It was always the three of them. A few years a go Jason and Alison started dating and at first Caleb thought he would be the third wheel, "but nothing had changed beside the fact that they would kiss now."Caleb made a gaging face as he mentioned the kisses. Maya laughed as he cringes about his friend romance.

He asked Maya about her friends, and she told him about Veronica, her one and only true friend. After crossing the street and walking for a bit, a small restaurant came into view. Caleb noticed his friends waiting outside.

"There they are." he pointed, making their way towards a tall blonde haired guy. He had a jean jacket on and a cigarette in his mouth. Next to him was a slim, short brunette girl dressed in a floral dress with combat boots and a leather jacket. Caleb introduced her to his friends. Just like Caleb, both Jason and Alison spoke English quite well. Caleb told them about her layover in Munich and how he was goingbe her tour guide for the next 19 hours.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go explore!"Alison chimed enthusiastically.

"Let's get some food, first." Jason said, as they walked into the restaurant.

After getting their food to go, they ended up walking to a street market called Viktualienmarkt, it was also know as the heart of the city. The place was packed. Hundreds of stalls filled with different fruits and baked goods. Freshly baked good could be smelt miles away. Stalls filled with fresh fruits from the local farms. The four of them walked around for a while buying more things to eat. Alison noticed a stalls with souvenirs had caught Mayas attention.

"The souvenir on the street are cheaper than the ones at the airport."Alison said, "come on" she ushered toward the stall. Caleb and Jason followed behind.

Once they reached the stall, Maya and Alison scanned through some postcards and key chains. picking a few she liked. She heard Caleb say something in German to the man behind the cart as Maya paid for her items and the four of them walked towards the famous English garden. Little did Maya know she was in for a ride.

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