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Chapter 6: The Confusion

There is no confusion like the confusion of simple mind.

I reread the sentence again. But it was difficult to concentrate on it at the same time let it go.  My mind kept on wavering on the previous day's events.

I ended up sitting  there at the beach for more than an hour. The sound of waves was so soothing that my body resisted myself from moving even an inch.

But with two days down and third already on its way, I  had just four days left  to decide. I think in the I would end up choosing it in the inky-pinky-ponky way.

I tried to read again , diverting my mind but to no vain.

'You must be in real trouble if you are unable to  read that book further' an unfamiliar male voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I glanced sideways to look at it's owner.

There sat a black haired guy with cool specs. He must be in his twenties. He was pointing is hands at book I was reading and had an inquisitive look on his face.

'Huh?' I asked confused. Oh! That word, if there was this system where one could actually have a count on their said words and this would be  on my most used list.

'I said , you must me real trouble if you are unable to read that book further. I mean first of all it is a classic and secondly, you have crossed more than half of it. Umm.. So you know its difficult to like halt somewhere like that' he explained.

'O' I muttered. Embarrassed I looked away. I was sitting on one of the swings in a nearby garden. I couldn't actually see the beach from here but the sea.

The place wasn't crowded as it was 10ish in the morning. Only a few kids were playing hide and seek.

During holidays , I used to come here too with a big gang of friends. We played hide and seek, lock and key, even cricket and what not. But the place wasn't like this always.

Just a swing, slide and seesaw. But now  it was turned into something completely different. Rubber cladded grounds, different sets of swings and slides of different shapes. A small tennis court was constructed. So much had changed. During our times it was pretty crowded at this time also.

Gosh! Saying 'our times' makes me feel pretty old. I let out a soft chuckle.

'Uh-uh' someone cleared his throat and I realized it was this boy sitting on the swing besides mine. He was looking at me like I am a retard.

'Umm..sorry' I said and looked down, this is awkward. 'So you have read this book?' I asked him.

'Yes' he replied, not knowing what to say next he asked ' are you new here?'


'Haven't seen you around'

'Well I was gone for 7 years so you mustn't have seen me around'

'Hmm...well yeah and me and my family also shifted a few years back over here. Neil Xavier' he said extending out a hand.

'Lisa,Lisa Winfred' I said, the Bond way.

'Wait! Don't tell me you are related to the Winfred's who live by the beach?' He asked.

'Why? I belong to the same Winfred's' I said looking up to him, frowning.

'So you are their oldest daughter. Finally, I get the honor of meeting you' he said grinning sheepishly. I giggle at his try at british accent.'Heard about you a lot from Mary' So he was Mary's friend. As if answeing my doubt he added 'Well you are talking to your new neighbour' he' 'Oh' I said.

Suddenly, he got up from his place and sprinted near the entrance of the park. Not knowing what to do next , I joined him. There he bought a large balloon from a vendor outside. I looked at him with raised eyebrows. 

'When was the last time you played with this?' he asked pointing towards the balloon.

'ummm...' I tried to remember, but couldn't. 'Nevermind. Now is the time' he said, lightly holding a balloon ad pushing it upwards and then shoving it towards my direction, like a volleyball.

I did the same , shoving the balloon in his direction. We continued with the game and talked about some things. As usual I ended up telling stories of my short travels.

Before I knew,  it was time for lunch. I didn't want to leave the place, but my stomach was growling with hunger. As we were neighbours, Neil and me walked down to our houses together.

That morning I couldn't complete my book, true. but one thing I realized was that it was the first time I had done something different than just thinking about my choices since my return. It was the first time I had a good hearty laugh after my return. AND it was the first time in ages that I played with a balloon. I also realized that I was so absorbed in making up a good career for me that I had forgotten to; LIVE!

Hey all! Long time no see huh? Sorry for the late update.


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QUESTION: Which book is Lisa reading? any guesses.

~~Himani (:

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2015 ⏰

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