“I’m not hiding anything.” I say.

            “Yes you are. It’s something about you’re past, I know it.” He says.

            “Well I was an assassin in the past. Of course I have some secrets I can’t share with the public.” I say.

            Tristan stares at me for a moment before dropping his head and letting out a sigh.

            “I guess I’ll just have to wait till you can trust me.” He says. Then he lifts his head and stares at me again. “I just have one more question.”

            “What’s that?” I ask.

            “What is Gale to you?”

            “He’s my friend. Why?”

            “Are you sure?”

            “Why wouldn’t I be?” I ask, confused.

            “Because I see him look at you all the time.”

            “So? We’re friends.”

            “I don’t think that’s how he thinks of you.”

            “Well you don’t know Gale like I do.”

            “True but you don’t see what everyone else sees.”

            “And what do you see?”

            “I see a man in love.”

            I pause for a moment, shocked.

            “Surprised? I don’t see why. You’re a very attractive woman.” Tristan moves a piece of hair from my face.

            “So? What’s your point?” I ask.

            “My point? Well I should think it’s pretty obvious.”

            “What do you mean? Are you jealous?” I say, jokingly.

            Tristan stares at me, seriously. He leans closer to me and I put my hands to his chest, trying to push him away and failing miserably.

            “Is it so wrong to be jealous?” He asks as he gets closer.

            “Well I wouldn’t understand why.” I say, hating myself for liking how close our bodies were.

            He leans down to my ear and whispers.

            “Really Anna? You don’t know why?” He asks.

            Shivers run down my back as his breath touches my ear and neck. He leans back slightly and stares at my eyes and then at my lips. He inches his way towards my lips. I start to squirm but can’t get out from under him. As he gets closer, his face pops into my head and I pale. Tristan seems to notice and stops advancing. He looks at me worriedly before getting up and leaving the tent without a single word.

            I think I hurt his feelings. He must have thought I was scared of him but that wasn’t the case. I just didn’t want to have those feelings again and feel betrayed. I get up and decide to head to the gym even though my head still hurts a little. I enter and find Brock working out. I decide to do the same. I start with the punching bag but don’t get far into the work out before I feel someone tap my shoulders. I look back to see Brock. He’s sweating all over. He’s not wearing a shirt and let me tell you, that boy is a fine looking man. He smirks at me as he catches me checking him out.

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