Chapter 3 - Unspeakable Joy

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"I noticed that and you are good at hosting, you did a great job!" while Joshua showing his thumbs to her.

"It was by God's grace Josh!" she humbles down and gives credit to the Lord.

"It was an unspeakable joy that you feel that God uses you even if you don't deserve it," she continued with an obvious devotion to God. Joshua understood what she felt because he had that emotion when he was introducing Jesus to a group of people listening to him before.

"You know what Kath, Joshua is also a very good speaker. I look up to him before. He has many fans. He is also a Kid's church volunteer, he teaches doctrines to adults, and he speaks also in wake services, and house dedications. We thought that he will be our future pastor someday!" Vincent passionately explains the past life of his friend

"Wow that's amazing, I hope I can see you someday speaking in the stage Josh!" She was persuading him, but Joshua did not respond. He was not ready yet for it so he was just scratching his head.

"And also he is an ideal man for every woman. He has everything that it takes to be husband material!" Vincent chuckled, but he intends to market his friend to Kathrina.

"Would you please stop it!" Josh was annoyed.   

"Don't believe in what he said Kathrina," he continued while giving a fierce look to his friend.

"So, you will be the host again next Friday?" Vincent changed the topic.

"Actually, I will be out of the country for two months. I will be going to Malaysia because we will open a new branch there. That is our very first international plant. I will be leaving tomorrow morning."


Then from a joyful countenance, it shifted to a gloomy look in Joshua's appearance. He will not see her for a while. The woman she was inspired will be gone for so long. He just kept silent until they are heading home. He was just looking through a window while riding through a city bus sitting beside Vincent.

"You were so silent since you have known that Kathrina will be going abroad for 2 months. Actually I was worried because you are admiring someone again." Vincent was concerned for him because he knows that one of his downfalls is when he is in love.

"I know. This is my weakness. If I really like someone, I got so obsessed to the point that it changes my behavior." He then remembers a girl in Cebu he constantly pursued but keeps rejecting him.

"I can still remember the pain I had the last time I fall in love. That was the one that nailed the coffin that brought me to a great depression and left our hometown. It took away my self-worth, purpose in life, and my devotion to God!"

"But we were there for you bro. You should not have left us. We are your family." Vincent was referring to their small group.

"I know and I am still guilty about it that I distanced and made a new life here in Manila." He was shaking his head in embarrassment.

"You were there when I failed in my life. You were there in my discouragements and disappointments. You were there when people see me as perfect, but you are the only ones who knew my vulnerabilities," while tears start flowing in his eyes

"Yes, we were there when you told us your wildest dreams. You have big ambitions in life in your mind. You are an idealist Josh. You want to make things happen in your way even if it is not feasible. But that idealism is what killing you now brother," Vince discussed with him

"You're right. I have high expectations for myself: I did not have a good career, I was always left behind by my peers, I live in a modest home. In short, I did not have a good life contrary to what was I imagining and that made me disheartened," while he faced Vincent with his eyes turning red.

"You were insecure brother even though you were blessed with so many ministries God has given you."

"That's the point -  I bloomed in ministry but never bloomed in anything else - I want to have a balanced life in secular and spiritual aspects." Josh was very frustrated arguing with him

"I guess you forgot that verse that you taught us before," as Vincent pointing to a verse that was put above the driver seat.

"Seek first the kingdom of God - and all these things shall be added unto you." it's a famous verse from Matthew 6:33. Logos Bus Lines has verses all over their buses in Metro Manila. The same bus line where Josh read Galatians 5:22-33.

"You told us before Josh that the word seek there in Greek grammar is at present imperative. It means to keep on pursuing God rather on a one-time event and He will take care of all your needs."  Josh cried again and his heart was pinched when he heard that from his friend.

"Alright, Fine! I now concede. Brother, can you help me get back to God? I think I am right that God is calling me back right now and it began when I saw Kathrina. I felt that I believe in love again. It's very had to explain that I have this hope again," as his face starts to brighten

"Yes sure. I will help you. Are you available tomorrow? There is a sports complex near where I stay and we can jog there. I think you need to rebuild your physical at the same your spiritual!". Josh was very excited to shape up again.


The next day, 2000 kilometers away, Kathrina arrived at Kuala Lumpur International Airport. As she passed the immigration counter, she saw someone familiar to her and she was surprised.

"Echo? What are you doing here in Malaysia? And are you waiting for me?" she was confused.

"Yes, I arrived here last midnight and I just want to surprise you!" he smiled then grabbed her baggage.

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