Fire part 2-Virgil

Start from the beginning

Logically Virgil knows that at some point Meg will have to go school. Virgil also knows he is protective of the little girl. He wants whats best for her, even if that means going to school himself.

I'll think about it.

"That is all I ask." Virgil is standing by the door when the head matron calls out to him almost in an after thought. "Oh, and Virgil please take these files. It's Meg's school paper work, your school paperwork, and your art file."


>Rabbit. Really?  I mean sure the taste is good, but its hardly the diet a growing Vampire needs.<

^Grivin I stopped growing three years ago.^

>yes but why can't you have more deer?<

*Because we don't want to run into that man again.*

>but deer meat.<

*but the man..*

>what could he do?<

*Seriously? he could do..*

^I'm going to ignore you guys now.^  After his talk with the head matron he stuffed the files into his bag and spent the day watching the younger kids. Ever since the incident Virgil has kept a bag of emergency supplies just in case. Jackson often makes fun of him for it, but Virgil had noticed that Jackson had started to collect small bags of chips and crackers. 

Virgil made the quick practiced entrance into his room. Even before his feet touched the floor Virgil is on alert. Virgil makes a list of what's wrong in his head. One,Jackson's asleep in his bed. Two,it's well past eleven but Meg hasn't come in yet. Three it smells like smoke. Virgil 's mind comes to a screeching halt. It smells like smoke, smoke means fire, and a fire means that the building is seconds away from being engulfed. 


*MEG* For only the second time in his life Virgil fallowed Two. He allowed Two to take control and guide him. Virgil quickly navigated his way to the second floor hall closet.

^Two Meg's room is the other way^

>SHUT UP< Virgil is taken a back by Two's shout. Before the run in with the man in the forest Two hadn't said much let alone yell at him.


As Virgil got closer to the closet so does the smell of smoke. Virgil almost thinks he smells something like burnt skin but he quickly dismisses the thought. When he arrives at the closet door he reaches out for the door knob. The round object burns his palm and fingers, but he just clinches his jaw and turns it to open the door. There is a horrifying when the door sticks like usual before it gives way. Closet is a misleading term for the room.  It's a ten foot square room filled with old junk. Virgil is greeted with flames dancing around the room. He spots Meg in the middle of the room. Meg turns to the door as it opens. Virgil can see the fear in her eyes. He motions for her to come to him. Meg is starting to shake but nods anyway. Virgil can feel his hart in his throat. As she gets closer Virgil reaches out his arm. The flames lap greedily at his limb. Meg reached out as well. A few more feet her. Virgil carefully lifts her up and out of the closet. 

Once he has her wrapped in his arms he sprints to the nearest window. Crashing out of the window Virgil is thankful for his vampire skills. When he lands Virgil bends his knees and absorbs most of the shock of the landing. Virgil recovered and started running towards the woods. He felt a stab of pain and remembers how Jackson had stood up for him just this morning. 

Virgil carefully set Meg down. She made a small whimper. Virgil shushed her before turning back to the building. At this distance the fire looked almost peaceful. He quickly spotted His window and sprinted to it. He sloppily climbs up the wall. His panic making it all the harder. When Virgil reached the window he smashed the glass, and hopped in side. 

"What the hell Virgil?" Virgil let out a sigh of relief. He grabs Jackson's arm and yanks him out of bed.

"Is that smoke?" Jackson asks before going pale as Virgil nods. 

"Shit." Jackson grabs his bag off the ground with shaky hands and for a second Virgil is afraid that the boy is going to faint.    

"Virgil I... I can't..." Jackson stutters as he looks at the window. Virgil is reminded that Jackson is deathly scared of heights. He grabs the frozen boy and jumps out the window like he did with Meg. Virgil however forgets that not only is Jackson heavier, but the drop is farther. this time he lands and even though he doesn't feel the pain he knows that once the adrenaline wears off he will be in a lot of it. 


Virgil Turns around as he and Jackson reach Meg in time to watch as the building collapsed. Virgil can't help but remember all of the small personal touches and how this building had just started to feel like home. Virgil felt a hand on his shoulder. He turns to see Jackson gazing at it as well.

" Come on lets get out of here." Virgil nodded and turd to gather Meg as Jackson grabs his and Virgil's Bags. With one last look, the three orphans turn and run into the forest.

AN: for those who skipped Virgil saved Meg and Jackson from the fire.  

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